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Greetings Love Beings, Can You Feel It, the times they are changing and changing fast? It Keeps Getting More Exciting and More Intense. We can Clearly Say It Has Begun, The Show is starting, and the Curtain is Rising! Its Time!
Quoted from Earth Ally Chellea~ "The Show is Starting ~ Can you feel it? Can you see it? It's everywhere, in every country. in every mind[Heart]. the collective is waking. I can deeply feel our Mother's Joy. Love wins! It's happening, The energies we all are feeling, are only getting more and more intense. The love is now pushing all ego out the door.With the collective mind being such chaos, Keeping yourselves centered is very important, as this shifting is happening. We are feeling the collective as a whole. Stay centered, and project your Love in the direction of truth. Allow the truths to transform the collective. This is The Moment. This is the moment, that we all have been waiting for. Love is Now. Take your places everyone. The Show is Starting. The curtains are lifting. Are you ready? Have you practiced your lines? Humanity is wakening and the spot light is now on. the moment has come to take the stage and Be the Love we are......"
If The Galactic Free Press is Bringing You Joy, Love and Truth, Thank You for Supporting Your Earth Allies and Keeping the Press Going 24 Hours a day 7 Days A Week. We are Supported Only by all of You! Thank you for Sharing and Honoring Our Dedication and Service to You and All of Humanity. We are Currently behind Total Received for November 187.77$ Total Goal for November 3000$ You can Share Here at this Link:
Join us today In The 5d Room, Higher Grid for Several Events. 5d Chat Sessions 11-1pm Pacific~ Unity Meeting at 4:30pm Pacific All Are Welcome! Room is Open All day! Join us Live At this Link!