It's Time To Submit YOUR Clip! I Know That Our Galactic Family Is Here!

Rain's picture



I know that our Galactic Family is here!
How about you?


We want you to share The Truth!
It's simple.
Just create a short clip like the one above

and then email it to


If you can't make a video clip, you can submit an audio clip or a written statement. You can include photos if you like.


If you have any questions about submitting your statement, please comment below.




LightBiscuit86's picture

LOL "Peace out"
Hahahaha rain that was quite incredible i lold =D

Thanks, LightBiscuit!

Rain's picture

Thanks, LightBiscuit! Are you submitting a clip today? I would LOVE to see it!

~ namaste, Brother

maybe not today but i have

LightBiscuit86's picture

maybe not today but i have absolutely been considering it since i saw this! inspiration has been flooding my head ths morning so im excited to and i will once i get some ideas organized together! =D 


im glad u are interested it makes me wanna do it more now lol 


Rain's picture

Ossum, Love. Please send something in as soon as you can. I am really looking forward to seeing it.


i have the text written out!

LightBiscuit86's picture

i have the text written out! nice n short, and all i gotta do is the recording part and get creative with it. 

hows this for a closure?
"and my thoughts get so intriguing, EVEN TO ME! as if they come from some outside source… and because of this, and everything i have experienced and observed, that I KNOW our galactic family is here! you? ;)"




Rain's picture



LightBiscuit86's picture
