Jamers Tyberonn ~ On X~Class In Mercury Retro ~ Fasten Your Seat Belts ~ 14 July 2012
July 14 : An Incredible X-Class in Mercury Retro – Fasten Your Seat Belts
This CME / Solar Wind Hits in 10 Hours…
It is no accident that this X-Class Solar Flare hits the Earth as Mercury goes Retrograde… Just as happened in March
Magnetic Effect of Solar Flares – Coronal Mass Ejections
Simulation of the interaction between Earth’s …Image via Wikipedia

The Earth’s magnetic field is powerfully effected by CME’s …so are WE !The CME is expected to reach Earth tomorrow, July 14th, the early hours past midnight. Get Ready !!! Coronal Mass Ejections, solar flares/solar winds are a major part of the upshift of energies and as such an integral part of the Planetary Ascension. As we have previously shared, CME’s can & do disrupt the Human Auric Field. Emotions can be mal-effected if imbalance occurs. But preventive maintenance is possible. As we are currently entering into Mercury Retrograde those energies can be further amplified. It ius quite interesting that this X-Class is hitting as we enter the Merc-Retro. The energis will be fantastic…but a double edged sword, meaning it can be well utilized, or if ignored, a pressured time of emotional swings.Miscommunications, travel issues can result. It is prudent to be aware of the astronomical waves, their dual attributes and especially to take immediate and ongoing measures to prevent or minimize fissure-cracking of the Auric Field. Wear stabilizing gems and noble metals. Meditate and take salt mineral baths and saunas.
Now, there is indeed a means to use this energy in a beneficial manner. Although this wave is tremendously powerful, there are other astrological influences that will allow for it to be utilized for positive effect. This particular Mercury Retro carries with it a unique field for higher dimensional access…if one can maintain stability. It is a superb energy for breaking through dimensional veils. It can be said that the ‘veil is very thin’ in this time frame. We also explain that the massive ionic influx can be used to harmonize with ‘theta wave’ thought and more rapidly transform thought to reality. This is indeed a double edge sword…good or not so good – depending entirely on what thoughts you focus on in very unique this intensity. Indeed the wise use can be very serendipitous.
This time period can go either way…depending on ones awareness & emotional stability. The CME amplification within retro-Mercury can also absolutely be optimally utilized for manifestation of higher vibrational goals as well as for achievement of extremely lucid visioning.
As we enter this period of Solar Maximum in 2012 and increasing in 2013 , it is important to maintain stability and understand that the resonant energy around us will increase week by week. It will not become less intense, rather we will become more able to manage it. We become stronger. We become the creators and use the increased access to higher dimension to manifest reality. It is why we are here. Manage the Aura, keep it intact. And manage the emotional field. Auric Maintenance is the corner stone.X-class solar flare erupts from giant sunspot
Fox News
July 12, 2012: An X-1.4 class flare erupted from the center of the sun, peaking at 12:52 PM EDT. It erupted from Active Region 1520 which rotated into view on July 6.(NASA/SDO/AIA)
Foix News : The sun unleashed a huge flare yesterday, (July 12), the second major solar storm to erupt from the sun in less than a week.
The solar flare peaked at 12:52 p.m. EDT (1652 GMT) as an X-class sun storm, the most powerful type of flare the sun can have.
According to NASA and the Space Weather Prediction Center (SPWC), which is operated by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, today’s sun storm registered as an X1.4-class solar flare. It is more powerful than the X1.1 flare that erupted on July 6, making this latest tempest the strongest solar storm of the summer so far.
Because the solar flare erupted toward Earth, it is expected to send an enormous wave of charged particles toward the earth that could supercharge northern lights displays, and may cxreate radio blackouts.
X-class solar flares are the strongest type of storms that occur on the sun. When aimed at Earth, the most powerful X-class flares can endanger satellites, airplane communication, astronauts in space, interfere with navigation and communications signals, and damage power system infrastructure on our planet.
Yesterdays solar flare marks the sixth X-class solar flare of 2012. While it is the strongest yet of the summer season, which began in late June, it is not the most powerful solar flare (CME) of 2012. That title is currently held by the March 2012 event that unleashed an intense X5.4-class solar flare.
The sun is currently in the midst of an active phase of its 11-year solar weather cycle. The current cycle is called Solar Cycle 24 and is expected to peak in 2013.
X-FLARE! Big sunspot AR1520 unleashed an X1.4-class solar flare on July 12th. Because the sunspot is directly facing Earth, everything about the blast was geoeffective. For one thing, it hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) directly toward our planet. According to a forecast trackprepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the CME will hit Earth on July 14th around 09:17 UT (+/- 7 hours) and could spark strong geomagnetic storms. The explosion also strobed Earth with a pulse of extreme UV radiation, shown here in a movie recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:
The ongoing UV pulse has partially ionized Earth’s upper atmosphere, disturbing the normal propagation of radio signals around the planet. Monitoring stations in Norway, Ireland and Italy recorded the sudden immense ionospheric disturbance.
Coronal Mass Ejections -The Impact of Solar Magnetic Winds
By James Tyberonn
Dr Greg Braden was the first to speak of this activity in relation to planetary frequency increase.
Archangel Metatron has spoken on this topic. CME are one of the mechanisms of the energy increase into Crystalline Dimensions.
Although CME’s, Solar Flares and Winds create havoc with electronics & communication instrumentation….they are not ‘all-bad’. Quite the contrary, if the wise & prudent metaphysician keeps the auric field intact, this incredible energy can be used in myriad beneficial ways.
Yes – the Human Auric Field can absolutely be mal-effected by the incredible energies of CME’s. The magnetics & radiation can create fissure cracking , imbalance and ruptures in the Auric sheathe. But this can be avoided or minimized.
The magnetic waves, if disregarded, can create, ‘Auric Fissuring that imbalance can lead to extreme emotional swings, anger bursts and a heightened sense of anxiety. Many of you may be sensing this now.
CME energy is relatively short term, and by optimally managing the Auric Field ruptures from CME’s, the Aura can be quickly restored. Understanding the mechanics and utilizing preventive maintenance is required. Auric maintenance is essential from 2012 forward, because these energies are increasing.
The CME result is somewhat like a full moon X 10. However the X-Class is more like X-100 ! Take time to meditate, exercise, and guard against anxiety and untoward mood amplification. Take mineral baths and saunas ! Bath in the ocean or a moving stream or cenote.
CME’s are not bad events, they are in fact quite necessary for the up-shift….thye are transforming the Earth as well as our DNA, RNA and Mer-Ka-Na system. The carry the catalytic tools of the cystalline shift !
…But X-Class CME’s are an immense, if not overwheming energy …they cannot be ignored. The aura must be specifically guarded during these enormous energy influxes, because they create an energetic imbalance, an energetic differentiation between the auric resonance and the exterior earth resonance. By taking precautions to keep the aura and emotional body intact, they can be powerful tools for benevolent use.
This one in particular can be used powerfully for manifestation in particular because of the current astrology and Mercury retrograde, they are excellent for deep mediation and creation of intent , because of the amplification of life-force energy they bring. Indeed the incredible ‘life-force’ in these extreme waves can be utilized for ‘thought-creation’.
From The Eeart-Keeper -newsletter July 2012 (c) Earth-Keeper / www.Earth-Keeper.com/ James Tyberonn