Weekly Light Blast April 11, 2013
It seems counterintuitive, but many have a hard time opening to receive Love. Often there was a disconnect in childhood that created a schism in the understanding of the nature of Love. All Life comes from Love. The connective force that continues Life is an experience of giving of the Self so that Life continues. You see it in nature constantly. Life releases and renews to the next cycle of Life, even decay and natural waste material feeds new life. For many, there have been situations that caused a feeling of confusion with Love as they were protected and nurtured by the parents, family and community. As a newborn, you understand the nature of God and Love, for you are fresh from deep connection prior to separation into body form. As you interpret the energetics of those around you, without language yet still acutely aware, you deal with many inconsistent energies that don’t seem to be flowing Love as you interpret the unspoken emotional and mental energy of those around you. For some it is even a physical experience of hunger, cold or abuse. It can be confusing. As you grow, you enter into a predominantly different brain wave experience that creates a forgetting of the information from very young childhood. The misunderstanding of the Truth of Love creates blockages to Receiving Love. When Love is unconsciously associated with pain, the biological system resists it. As you are open to Feeling, you are open to the data of life flowing through you as you participate and experience life fully. Quite often that takes courage, for the warriors of Light are battle weary. Open then, and Receive the Love that flows through Life for you. You are cherished beyond words and deeds.
As you open to becoming a flowing conduit for more Love, it is important to observe your boundaries and make certain that they are protecting and honoring the Self, while simultaneously keeping you open to the flow of interaction with others, even when some of that is unpleasant. It’s the difference between a challenging situation that fosters change and a challenging situation that creates shut-down. That line is different for each person and even varies within a person due to situation (i.e. good boundaries in work, poor boundaries in relationship) or sometimes just mood. You are to observe yourself for remaining open and wise with honoring the Self. It is the difference between avoidance and healing. You need not immerse yourself in negative situations to heal them, and you need not run from them either. Wise choice is Foregoing the Option to torture yourself into healing. Wise choice is testing and increasing your strength in situations that won’t cause shut-down. Receiving Love is a perception of safety in a situation, as you are aware of your ability to choose to honor yourself without consequence.
As we sit to Blast Receiving Love, we are bringing the invisible quantum bond into the experience of life interacting. We are seeing the Light of Love in the eyes of all we meet, even when their pain speaks louder than their Love. We are remembering the great mystery is within us, that the silence of Love can bond a moment, a friendship, a marriage or a planet. We are choosing to listen so closely to Love that the heartbeat of the galaxy that sings unity is the same song of our soul. We are opening fully to our birthright of joy, freedom and creative flow, as all life is honored with the free will to choose. Will you choose Love? Blast on! Posted by Jamye at 1:00 AM