Jennifer Hoffman ~ For or Against? ~ 25

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The generations that carry Indigo energy are the game changers. They possess the talent, skills, discernment and ability to change the way the world works. By being willing to speak for the truth they point out where we are settling instead of creating, where we limit ourselves by thinking that we are powerless. They are the gender, race, religion and color neutral generation, who view discrimination and separation as ridiculous and unacceptable. The Indigos who are young adults today are the first generation to be raised in a digital world, connected to friends they may never meet in person, aware of a connected and integrated world.

But while they will take a stand against many things, it is hard for them to know what they are for. They can have a ‘do or die’ stance and will fight to the end for their beliefs, which can lead them to depression and suicide when the world is too much for them to take. It is their lack of self confidence that can be their biggest downfall as they can’t always express their views because they don’t handle judgment or criticism very well.

If you are an Indigo or have Indigo children you know how challenging this energy can be and it is hard to not be overwhelmed by the injustice you see in the world. What can you do about it and how can you open others’ eyes to the truth? Parents of Indigos watch as their children struggle for years, unable to find their place in the world and wondering how they are ever going to ignite the creative spark that will help them shine. They will, it just takes time.

One thing you can do, and this applies to all Indigos, is to follow your heart. What are you passionate about? What can you talk about or gets your attention? This is what you are ‘for’. You can be against world hunger, so be for creating programs that feed the hungry. You can be against homelessness, so create a solution that provides shelter. You can be against injustice so be for justice. Generally, it is what you are against that is the area in which you can create change. And let that be the first step that will lead you into the next choice(s), you never have to choose one thing and stick with it forever. But the important thing is to get your children (and you) to start with something and that can lead to the next thing and ignite that spark that will allow your Indigo (and your own Indigo energy) to shine brightly.


Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may copy, translate, quote or link to this article in its entirety as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. link to original article
