As we all fly forward with our lives, old stuff is bound to come up. As humanity flies faster (and it is), everything that is incongruent with our magnificence must leave. The old is being displaced by the new.
Free to fly: What a strange Universe it would be if we had to contemplate and analyze our sub-optimal habits before we could experience our delicious nature. Fortunately, Creation is Loving and Benevolent, so the only logical next step is to let life take the old…..while we Create!
Lean in: You are either indulged in the ‘ickiness’ that has been, or expanding the Heaven that is inevitable. It is simply a choice. Annoying, isn’t it?
P.S. In case of emergency, please call 1-800-SNAP-THE-HECK-OUT-OF-IT, you know…if and when you need to! LOL! Jennifer xo