Jester Guru Chronicles, Part 1: I Am From the Future

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“It is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.” -Jorge Luis Borges

Greetings! Your resident trickster-god in training here, with an important message: the future is a wonderfully beautiful place. But you’ll need to become healthier – mind, body, and soul – in order to appreciate it. You’ll need to discipline yourself in the forces of love, compassion, and forgiveness. You’ll need to let Mother Nature become your primary teacher. You’ll need to let Pain become your secondary teacher.

You’ll need to hack your own life and get down to the roots of who you really are: the universe attempting to perceive itself. In short, you’ll need to unlearn what you have learned by an unhealthy culture, recondition what has been conditioned into you, and wash off the brainwash. Like Philip Guston surmised, “To know and then how not to know is the greatest puzzle of all… so much preparation for a few moments of desperate play. To learn how to unlearn.”
