Jesus Christ Superstar Exclusive Fan Concert: Gethsemane
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Paul Nolan as Jesus performs "Gethsemane" during the exclusive fan concert. Visit for more information on Jesus Christ Superstar. Connect with us! Facebook:…
Added on 05/03/2012
The thorns in my head. Written by Jesus. Embodied now in this earth in this time.
I have to experience it to be able to transform it, without judgement. Within that transformation I change the energy ever present. I bend it. I do what is impossible. This may only be achieved with Love. Hatred , feeds the system. The energy allows it's continuance. Anger may indeed propel the energy forward, immediately LOVE MUST follow to transform this energy into all that is. This is compassion and love. This is God.
God's eyes weep at such disdain of this world. Such pain, and such dis-ease. The heart of God.
Yes I have been sick, yet there are many others that are worse, yes I have experienced poverty, yet there are many others worse than I. And so each sentence may follow. As this is truth.
I read, the bum on the street with addictions - well let us ask ourselves what led them to that life, like the vagrant who found his wife hanged and his child dead.??? Shall we allow an addict redemption for his heartbreak without judgement. Yes indeed. That 'bum' on the street with his tears flowing from his eyes of pain, with love in his heart. This is the lamb. Shall a lion cast him out defiant in a growl. ?
Shall I be angry and glow in this gaining glory ? or shall my heart of God, weep of such energy everpresent within the vessel of God?
For this time this vessel embodying me, has forsaken all and I speak . Yes I love myself, as the Sun of God. To all others, shall you feel my love also. For my love shall blind you in all that I AM.
Can the servants of God hate, and hate all that is? For in that this is not the work of God, and the Lord of Love knoweth this in all that IS. Is the wrath of God - God? Or is it that which is not God.
A lie is told, and then as a Hu-man this lie wants to create anger and hostility. For this is not my way to rectify this. This creates tears in my heart. This is not the way. Is this the only way in this world to be heard and to effect change? To scream and shout at your fellow man?
To declare this is strength is nothing more than layers of lies upon the truth. It is weakness of character and shunning the light of God. To shout and scream at a fellow brother or sister for lies told is yet another lie waiting to happen. The weakness of Love is strength in all that IS.
Does this clip upset the viewer? This is what you do to each other every day!!
You are brothers and sisters , you are the sons and daughters of God. You all each have the seed of Christ within your self. Do as I and Be as I. Surrender your heart to God. Love each other, and in that shall you find love in yourself. How can you love yourself, if you cannot love thy enemy? For your enemy is indeed your self. All is one , all are the seeds of God.
You use this word of Love masquerading as lies. Love your child you hit ? Love your animals and beat them? Love your husband or wife and shout hate at each other, love your son your mother or father and disrespect them? This is the family Unit, and the pets, that bring you unconditional love mostly. Shall I move toward speaking of your infrastructure that you place within to govern and rule you? Is that love.
What my eyes see, My ears hear and my heart feels is nothing less than Love. The heavens spoke to me, there is much shame and guilt in this world, though could I understand this too much with my heart full of Gods love. Yet yes you are to feel this shame and guilt, and this allows the control. And your world continues in the system of Master and Slave. Give it all up. Stop. Just Stop. Surrender your heart to God and in that you are the master combined. Feel these words that I write.
I became a slave in another life, of many colours. I returned also as a prince that discarded all and became a pauper. I have returned many times over to teach you, sometimes I am famous - other times not. For my seed and presence is here - it has to be here. For without me, you fall again into the land of darkness. I am the light. I have many names. In those names are ALL of your religions, that you worship. There is but one God, so you must understand this also. Shall I speak to you of Allah or Mohamed ? how depressed he felt?
Can you comprehend ONE GOD? One source of eternal life flowing in the rivers to make the ocean of life? Or are you too busy still fighting against each other.? Killing the ocean with toxins, and making more rivers that dry into dirt?
Lay down your arms and embrace God in all that you are.
Romantic love has been felt my me, in this life, which returned my heart to God, as told by the one who ignited it, You are not in this room? and so I indeed, returned. My spirit returned. Yet this romantic love here, is not love as God knows in the absolute.. It has too many conditions placed upon it , and this is how many write of heartbreak, you do not honour your love in Gods glory. For if indeed you did, there would be no trouble and torture in this land.. My romantic pursuits ended, knowing of Love. Later I came to be engulfed in Gods Bright light, from my broken heart no less. As lifeless as a corpse without this elixir in my soul, I withered and felt dead. My spirit returned to heal another from the love of God and that is why I AM still here to this day, for I know of God's love and Glory.
The second coming of me, for yes it is spoken I did indeed fail, and do you know why I failed the first time, my anger at the money changers, and what has happened in your world since I felt domination from? What did I propel in my anger and defiance to be heard? Is this the heart and word of God, shouting and screaming? Is this Love, or did I too become the problem I came here to solve. My death followed swiftly as I had indeed failed, to show only love. I had to leave, for the father, had indeed forsaken me.... I had been bitten so as like rabies and engulfed in this. My leave was called upon. I may speak it was to heal you, yet I speak with my heart I became angry as were the ones I came to heal. Think about that fact please, and why I was indeed on the cross. A lesson to learn. I had failed, I had acted as the ones who needed healing with light and I fell into darkness with vileness. The poison had taken me. As a snake venom.
I had fallen too. I had shown anger and vileness. This is not God of Love. ? Think about that? I had become the very problem that I came here to solve.
Frustration yes, but there is always strength in other ways than this vile trait I had come to be. So with it I was no more.
The venom had taken hold of me.
This time I return and the same tests were set before me. In this life I knew very well the bible, and indeed revelations by the age of 7 verbatim. I practiced and worshiped in the church and worked in the Christian shop adamant in my love of Jesus. My family that I was born into was not of love. That deterred me not. I was in Gods glory as a child. Later my family ruled my very essence, and I was taken from this place of worship and scorned into mortal life, that hurt my spirit.
Many years came to pass, that indeed my parents in this life recognized success as possessions and success, and so wanting love and recognition this I became, though my soul was never full, it ached of love to return. In that time of success, I experienced as many others financial crisis. I had to speak to the money changers that we know as banks, and I had to place my company into insolvency, the only one to suffer the banks, indeed this life the money changers, that we can trace as the federal reserve and main banks in this time span. My heart ached. To speak to this man, that I was to place my company into insolvency and the debt to the bank would not be repaid. My soul ached in torture, for is this the lesson I returned to experience? I held no anger towards banks - though many others did. The man that worked at the bank was a lovely man, who supported me in my crisis. To place this man into depths and scorn his belief in me was just dreadful. The insolvency experts told me I must do this as unsecured debt. This means they could take no possessions from me. Yet as me here in this life, the possession of truth and integrity had been taken , I had allowed this. I was guilty in my soul of this. I still held the deeds to my large house and business and could quickly trade again with a new name.
That never left me. Telling a man from the bank that all I hold told him to lend me the money, I was now to betray him ? was this not the reverse of Jesus? I could recover and trade again in business. But my soul spoke why. Indeed I recovered and I held such promise with new business and profit, yet my heart could not betray this.
I lost all of my possessions eventually. This is the lord's work for in my eyes did I deserve this.
So when we blame the banks for our economy, yes it is perhaps true the system is inept - The federal reserve has a lot of power and the bank of england also to control interest rates and control our lives. The media can indoctrinate our values . Our government may control us.
But each one of us, as have I now become, has the choice, to step away from all and renounce all worth and all goods, and follow the spirit of god.
Without Anger.
Today I became angry and cried within seconds, this is not the way of God. And why? because of money .