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by John McIntosh
For 'anyone' who is not fully Awakened to the Truth of Who they Are [Enlightened] ... their interpretation of Love is a diluted version of what LOVE really is. This is due to the conditioning the false sense of 'self 'is laden with.

This diluted version of love or 'conditioned love' cannot simply be washed away with a thought that you are now somehow deciding to love unconditionally ... the filters are there and will not leave until they are transformed.

How does this transformation take place?

All is ONE ... there is nothing that is NOT God [by whatever name]. The dark and the Light are both God ... ONE is not Light with darkness somehow 'outside' ONE.

It is not possible or necessary to understand this while still in the conditioned state in order to 'accept' it.

Accepting darkness is not something you can 'figure out' ... that too is not possible while in the conditioned mind state.

To transform conditioning or darkness you simply EMBRACE it as an aspect of All That Is - God. The God you Are will do the transforming since IT knows How.

This embracing of everything [conditioning - darkness] ... as GOD ... 'IS' SELF LOVE and is the fastest way [Now available to All in this New Energy humanity is immersed in] to return to the state of Knowing-ness that is called Enlightenment.

