~ Josh McIntosh ~ True Change

Eddie1177's picture

by John McIntosh


It is not the wish for better health, prosperity, harmonic relationships, peaceful coexistence, a healthy planet nor the multitude of well meaning resolutions made each New Year that foster these experiences … everyone soon meets with the deeply imbedded programs each one is controlled by and continue to manifest their offspring  in their life experience.


The ‘Heaven on Earth’ dream that has eluded humanity for eons remains aloof and unreachable as long as it is sought ‘out there’ [IN] the experiences and manifestations themselves. These are projections emanating from the Creator each one IS … they come and go like images on a screen.


You can attempt to freeze-frame the movie of your life and paint over the bits you do not prefer but as your life projection proceeds the ‘essence’ of it will remain the same … changed perhaps in outward appearance but always consistent with the underlying programmed conditioning.


Heaven is found where it IS – within.


Until it is authentically and sincerely sought there, it will not be found.


This much most people have some understanding of – 


‘where you place your attention … this experience expands’.


Most people have NOT however understood that this also means even the attention on ‘getting rid’ of something gives the ‘thing not desired’ LIFE and expands the experience of  it as if it is what you desire.


True Freedom or Peace together with the Abundance and Joy and Love that are synonyms for these concepts arrive spontaneously from within as you become AWARE that they ARE what you ARE. They are not things to somehow be rewarded with through better conduct, positive thinking or the thousand modalities of disciplines taught in the slower ‘old energy’ now past.


The ‘inner search’ is not some arduous, complicated hard won discipline – NO, No More. It is a gentle and effortless pathless-path born of the genuine choice to BE Truly Free. It is the choice that supersedes every other choice without compromise and the decision to forsake everything [if need be] for this choice.


When you arrive at this choice you will KNOW it!


From then on you will be shown every step without searching. Each step will be shown you for your own unique Awakening. You need only allow these nudges permission to unfold and the Enlightenment that follows Awakening will come gracefully and with few bumps.


Few can do this at first and tend to resist the release of the images on the screen but by holding firmly but gently to your choice, soon your resistance dissolves into a peaceful surrender into the Loving arms of your True and only identity … the Source of All That IS – God [by whatever name feels True for you].

