~ Josh McIntosh ~ The Two Choices After You Awaken to Truth

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by John McIntosh
When one awakens to Truth they have two choices. This Awakening does not mean they are Free or in some way at Peace … only that there lies before them this seemingly NEW path ‘to’ authentic Freedom and Peace.
At this blissful moment of Awareness they have ‘seen’ that the world they have looked on as real … is ‘made up’. It is a ‘fabrication’ based on programming handed down for eons from generation to generation and colored by each generation to the moment when their consciousness arrives in a human body. It is laden with a multitude of concepts of fear based on identification, expectation and attachment and further colored individually by the unique upbringing of that new experience in a human body. These in turn were the offspring on one error …
the belief that we are all separated.
They have ‘seen’ this clearly and ‘know’ that there is much more to Life. They know … but only thus far ‘intellectually’ that ALL IS ONE.
As we speak, at this moment, there is a belief firmly entrenched in this new spiritual life that is about to unfold for that one, that it takes a long ‘time’ to fully Awaken … to be fully Enlightened … to Truly BE Free or as some say, Liberated.
This too is not true.
There was never a moment when you were not One or that you were not Enlightened ‘fully’ … you have merely been ‘distracted’ … your attention so to speak, turned away from Who you Are and What Life is Like in the authentic state.
You have had glimpses of this Truth … all have, even the deeply distracted … but these AHA moments slipped away quickly as your attention shifted back toward the illusion we have called reality with all its glamour and fantastic adventures and dramas. The pain it cost to live in this world was worth it … until now, when you have seen a little more and what could be … what really IS Life when lived from Your True Self.
At this point the 2 choices appear and are usually not recognized. 
The first is to improve your life ‘within’ the illusion of reality you have been living. This involves all manner of self improvement and attempts to somehow ‘fix’ the illusion, which is like shaping a cloud into a desired form.
This can go on for many years or lifetimes before the frustration and exhaustion of that experience finally runs out of fuel.
The second choice is the real one … the only one in Truth once it is recognized. It involves a radical shift in behaviour that can label you as a misfit, a rebel or just plain crazy.
It involves giving up the illusion completely.
Now this is very important to realize:
Over the centuries many have moved into a life of austerity basically shunning anything which suggests they are living in the false world. This has led to the inevitable poverty consciousness which is the antithesis of what You Are. This did not lead to Freedom … only another version of the illusion.
YOU ARE ONE and within that ONENESS is ALL THAT IS and ALL that ‘appears’ to be. That IS Abundance personified … ONE ‘IS’ ALL THAT IS … how could it be anything but ABUNDANT. 
It is the ‘attachment’ or ‘identification’ with ABUNDANCE that binds you to the illusion and the fear of loss. There is no LACK of any kind within the Truth of Who You Are as ONE.
When you take the second choice to Truly BE Free you have chosen to fully Awaken to All That You Are – ONE [God if you prefer]. You forsake everything for this choice with no compromise of any kind. Sometimes this will mean radical shifts in your lifestyle such as leaving jobs, friends, family, so called security and every belief system you ever acquired. Other times it requires only gentle listening to the soft voice of Truth that IS the Real You returning to your attention as you leave the distractions of the illusory world.
It will however require this:
Very, very few people that have Awakened have made this second choice as yet or if they have, been able to stick to it … but many soon will as the pull of the higher frequencies of Light or Truth now existing on the planet exert their irresistible influence. You have often felt this ‘pull’ and will feel it much more Now.
Once you make this NO MATTER WHAT choice to be Free ‘for real’ all you need do is place your prioritized attention on the Truth and IT will EXPAND in your experience automatically in perfect alignment with what blocks to your Awareness of Who You Are need to come up to be released or transformed.
When they do you will find some, maybe many of these blocks ugly or even disgusting … but they are just an aspect of ONE … no matter how dark. Simply ‘embrace’ them as part of ONE [or GOD] and the Truth of Who you Are will transform the illusion of those blocks back into Truth or LOVE.
Full Enlightenment ‘is that easy and that fast’ and soon becomes your normal experience as every block transforms and ONE is all you Experience. There is no way to describe this but you WILL ‘feel’ it once you make the second choice.
