There are immense changes happening in the stratosphere above the Planet, and then electromagnetic storms are wreaking havoc within the solar system.
The reflective rays of the sun, which is now breaking up, into multiple new parts, as the Milky Way Galaxy is going through a massive rebirthing, this is affecting then all the electromagnetic fields in and around the whole solar systems, Universes and in fact the whole galaxy.
We have to understand that we are never apart of the greater whole. Whatever happens in the macrocosm will happen in the microcosm.
As above – so below.
Our whole human physical body, is one massive energy field, and thus is part of the cosmic and earths energy fields. “From dust you were made, to dust you return”.
This is mainly because mankind forgot their own immortality, which they possessed at the beginning of time, in what the collective mankind remembers deep down as the Garden of Eden. It is only, when mankind fell, from the 7th dimensional state and into the 3rd, that death as such was known.
I am merely trying to make you understand that the microcosm and the miniature reflection of it are built on the same principles. So in essence, we can never think ourselves on this planet as an entity on its own. Yet, so many think that this planet is the end-all and be-all of all existence. Not so, it is one of the greater microcosms within the macrocosms of a much greater and even vaster energy field.
We all deep down remember this in some way. The Gods and Goddesses of mythology were real men and women, albeit their stories have been mythologized as mankind forgot the advanced technologies etc. which they had used.
As we are slowly awakening from the sleep of forgetfulness the veils of amnesia are lifting and those who had a strangled hold on the planet, are now losing their grip. More and more people are waking up, and starting to allow these energies to flow through the heart center and thus a mass awakening of the heart energies.
At first mankind knew this, but then, those came in, who deliberately closed the heart and started to manipulate the mind. The mind can conjure up many things, it mostly can also conjure up fear, and the rule by fear, then feeds on the fear of the masses, and then the masses, themselves, are easy to rule.
The more awakened one becomes at soul level, and the more the heart center opens, up the more one connects to the greater macrocosm. One has expanded knowing, and being, and one thus knows one is not the physical body, nor the physical form- one is a cosmic Being and thus a citizen of the cosmic whole.
One then, starts understanding that one is here but for an eyewink. One is not this physical form, one is greater than that. One is essentially a Divine spark and the more one reconnects with the Divine essence deep within one’s heart and soul, the more empowered you become.
It is also the shift towards balance – the balance between the masculine and feminine – the male and female.
In the beginning, in lands such as Lemuria, the bodies and physical form were ANDROGYNOUS – thus male and female. Then the masses decided to split the form into two – male and female. Since then immense shifts have happened and the two aspects drifted further apart. This has caused tremendous collective pain to mankind, and this balancing between the male and female, is now coming to the fore, as the collective consciousness has to heal.
This is one of the reasons why relationships are floundering, for one has to first find the balance, the wholeness deep within one, before one can truly love or relate to the perfection of balance in another. As long as there is imbalance, then there will be a shift either to one or the other.
In reality the two are always in perfect balance – it is just that there on earth, we still have the perceived imbalanced, which now have to cleared out of the collective psyche once and for all.
Coming back to electromagnetic fields: these are intricately linked with that of the heart center of this planet, which in turn then is linked with the heart center of the Milky Way Galaxy and thus our own heart centers.
In this whole process of these massive cosmic storms, our spinal cords are getting activated. Each vertebra is reflected in the 33 octaves of sound, and each one represents an emotion. When more and more of the energy centers, within each vertebrae is activated, as we step more and more into the higher frequencies and become more and more aligned, this will trigger emotional responses, and then in turn will trigger the chakras or energy wheels, where those memory banks are housed.
It is therefore important to work with the energies, in that one starts to also allow that energy flow consciously from the top of the head, thus crown, and then down the whole spinal column and then into the energy centers below our feet and then, into the earth and then into the heart and spinal cord energies of the earth.
In this way, we are activating our Light bodies more and more and then, those of us who are already stepping or have stepped into the 5th and 7th, will get more fully activated.
This then, is the great shifting which there electromagnetic storms are bringing to our bodies, and also to the earth.
This is truly a revolutionary change and bringing us into alignment with our own true selves again, as we were at the beginning of civilization on this Planet.