~ Julie Miller ~ Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ November 01 – 08

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GFP Note: You are God=Love. You are also an Ascended Master. We all are! "The best of the best". CHEERS !

There are endless stream of moments that are part of your life stream, they can be calm and subtle or so intense that their very presence is a challenge to manoeuvre through them. Some moments that cross your path, are often put aside to be looked at later or addressed at another time – when time is more appropriate. Yet sometimes what you put off until a better time arises can overflow into a life of its own. It is always more advantageous to deal with each moment as they come instead of waiting for a better tomorrow. There is a lot of inner work being done as you take the time to work through each challenging moment. Growth is apparent on many levels and the growth you receive transforms what you have acquired into wisdom. Whenever you choose to put aside the effort needed to work on current challenging moments that have entered your life stream, you are eliminating your actual practice from its only probable setting and that is in the here and now of your journey.
There are always ways and methods to counter your need to put off certain challenging moments until a more favourable time presents itself. When you find yourself doing this, challenge yourself to remain in the present while working through each and every challenge and moment that life presents you with. Engage in the now not the later. Learn to bring more focus into your daily challenges and apply this focus with determination that stems from you heart that you will indeed see through each step until completion of any challenge that comes your way.
Within each challenge there are endless possibilities to better yourself and to become more knowledgeable of the world around you and how you connect and affect each and every living thing just by your very presence. No matter what the goal is that you are trying to accomplish, remember there is inner work being done. Hone in on this energy that is working beneath your exterior and discover a deeper truth and understanding of your Self that can be utilized in every corner of your life.
In truth, most challenges that you meet don’t have a long life, in that respect it is even more essential to get the lesson each one comes with that is there just for you. The quicker you can get at the true nature of each challenge the quicker you gain its lesson. Each lesson contained within every challenge is solid and through them you are able to learn so much more of yourself and how to move through each challenge effortlessly, without over-reactions and learn how to foresee the end being manageable and not so threatening. If you can walk into any challenging moment with calm and ease instead of ready to fight and battle, you reflect that you are in harmony with yourself and you are ready to take on the challenge that is before you in confidence because you have proven your strength before to yourself and to the world and you will so again.
The changes you accept and take on, regardless if they are large or small are all very common and necessary, as they are part of your infrastructure that helps to strengthen the bond with yourself and aligns yourself higher with the balancing energies that the Universe endlessly shares with all life. Understand dear ones, your physical body lives in time that is effected by the changes you bring, whereas your heart and mind can easily live within the changeless if you make the conscious choice to live this way even while maneuvering through challenging situations. With discipline and motivation, moving through challenging moments can be as easy as you Will them to be or remain complex and burdened with stress and heavy emotions.
It is also understood dear ones that any major life changes will take hold of both your heart and mind and how long you remain within these major life changes is all up to you. Of course some of the major life changes are happy, whereas some are saddening, but they all carry the potential of becoming a challenge. How you cope with the changes also determines the outcome of your efforts being successful. We observe often many dear souls become blinded within new situations. Even though they think and re-think the new situation repeatedly, they don’t realize this energy they are giving to this new situation is evaporating their own inner peace. And when you no longer have inner peace, the quality of your work regardless what your work is becomes greatly diminished.
Let God in dear ones when you are moving through any life change that is bordering on becoming a difficult challenge. His presence in your life will help you pass through any troubling moment. Let God carry your concerns and worries. Any discord you are carrying does not dampen His Love or His Light. What He does with the discord you share with Him is that He replaces that negative energy with His Love, renewing your own energy reserves, which allows you to unpin yourself from the heaviness some situations often come with. There will be times where you will slip up now and again and these are great moments of opportunities presented to you filled with incredible knowledge to be gained. Don’t lose your anchor that is firmly in place in the infinite because of a challenge that has gotten out of control. Let the Light of God shine a path for you to follow that will lead you back to where you are meant to be.
All life challenges carry moments for you to learn from and to adapt from. It is important to feel their impact instead of ignoring their presence. Some of the energy felt from certain events regardless if they are past or present can make a dear soul susceptible to emotional outbursts and maybe blame others for their own inadequacies that, that particular situation brought to the surface. Choosing other dear souls to be your scapegoat for unresolved feelings, events or changes is debilitating and brings you further from actualizing your authentic self and from the Heart of God. Each change you bring from every moment of every challenge dear ones is your responsibility. Whenever you react strongly against another dear soul’s words or actions, you are attracting negative Karma to enter your life stream. We remind you dear souls that confrontations will occur and are necessary. They help guide you to uncovering more information of yourself and how you deal with change and challenging situations. How you choose to react and respond all carries energy and you are responsible for the energy you emit.
Become more conscious of your reactions and when you are truly aware of yourself over-reacting we encourage you to seek support from God, from angels, an Ascended Master or another deity that you have connected with. Seek them with an open heart that is devoid of expectations or assumptions and allow their energy to work with you. With patience you will see new ways that you can use when new changes from challenges enter your life that the potential of being upsetting. Find ways on how you can add meditation into your life even at work. A few precious minutes spent in silence can provide you with immediate relief from every day challenges.
Changes are inevitable. They are part of every challenge regardless if the challenge holds positive or negative energy. Changes are vessels towards enlightenment. Respect each change that comes your way through each challenge. Don’t fear the unknown the change will carry, embrace them with love and trust they will lead you to a deeper knowing of yourself.
The kaleidoscope of life is filled with brilliant experiences for you embrace. Balance is essential in every corner in order for harmony and peace to thrive. Focus will help bring you to what you need that will help you wade through emotional storms and find inner peace. You must want this dear ones and make all the effort to bring all the changes you wish to see. Blaming others will not help you, blaming others will only add to discord to your journey. Only you can discover what is needed that will bring balance to both your inner and outer Self. Even those that you seek for guidance, they can only point you to a direction; it is still up to you to make the choice and apply the effort.
To progress successfully through any moment that is challenging it is necessary that you are flexible and easily adaptable to change. The more adaptive you are, even your spiritual journey is affected in a positive Light. Remember dear ones there can never be two moments exactly alike, therefore even if a lesson gets repeated; the choices that can be consumed will be different. Ground yourself firmly in the changes that comes your way, Time will give way to understanding as you practice consciously and sub-consciously the conditions needed to ensure your connection with God that will deepen the success of any outcome.
As you approach any situation, remember dear ones; inside of you is a precious tool kit that is filled with infinite knowledge on how to deal effectively with any challenge. Not only sense this knowledge, come home to it and make conscious use of it. Through heart-felt prayer and purposeful meditation you can easily achieve great heights of inner peace that will deliver you even greater heights of kindness that you will willingly share with others as well as with yourself. Each time you choose to create and practice unconditional compassion and love you are anchoring a brighter future not just for yourself but for others that may come your way.
I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller 


