AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This Cancer New Moon is the second cancer New Moon in a row. We had a Cancer New Moon on June 20th at 1 degree of Cancer along with an Eclipse and the Summer Solstice…and this current New Moon on July 20th….is at 28 degrees of Cancer. Making this a powerful message from the Universe about Nurturing, Caring, Home, Family, Protection, Emotions, and Mother Earth. During the Spring Equinox (the Astrological New Year and the backdrop for entire year)…when the Virus was well on it’s way…we had a strong message from the Universe (because of the Nodes etc) that the Cancer energy was what the Universe wanted us to embody. Getting back to spending time with our Family’s, the Earth, our homes etc. We ended up spending a lot of time at home with our Families and found out that it wasn’t so bad. The Universe new it was time in our Evolution (personally and of the collective/humanity) to balance out spending too much time at work and away from family and nature and move out of the energy of work, work, work, and not spending time with family…to enjoying and making time for Family and Nature. This second Cancer New Moon is like a pop quiz! The Universe is nudging us to see if we started to make that change and focus more on being with Family/ Home and not so detached and focused on working all the time. It is extremely important right now that you pass this quiz from the Universe! We don’t want the Universe to be unhappy with us J
This Second Cancer New Moon is making a point and is also a powerful one to make intentions and manifest…for Peace and an honoring of everyone throughout the World!! Using the Cancer energies of…. Love, Nurturing, Family, Caring, Nature and Protection. For ourselves, humanity, the Earth the World and the United States itself…remember the United States has a Cancer Sun!
The energies are very intense, a bit volatile, and chaotic at this time. They can bring in the feelings of being overwhelmed and exhausted with a little bit of fear….stay out of the Fear! These energies have been building for several months and will continue to intensify throughout the Summer and Fall. Humanity and the Earth are currently at a major turning point in our evolution! The Universe is getting very serious and we need to concentrate and focus on our Hearts! Thinking with our Hearts…Listening with our Hearts….responding with our Hearts! Listening to what WE hear….not what others are saying….but what our Heart and Souls are saying! We need to stay out of the energy that can increase fear, anxiety, anger and division. We need to head towards the higher energy and wrap everything we can….including our words and actions….with the energy of Love, Peace and Calmness. Again...we are a Major turning point in the evolution of this Planet and all Humanity….changes need to be made for the good of ALL.
NEW MOONS mark the beginning of a new cycle. New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create! Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies giving us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. Even in a very urgent and chaotic time of many changes….manifest a peaceful and beautiful existence for all! Be sure to stay out of the fear….it can be hard at times, but it is so very important. Manifest Peace and Love!
THIS NEW MOON IS IN CANCER and traditionally the Moon rules the sign of Cancer,
making this a very watery, intuitive and healing Moon. Cancer is about the Great Mother, the nurturer, and the protector of life. Cancer is associated with the feminine, and that all parts of our physical bodies along with the Earth are sacred. Cancer is about our emotional body, our families, tribes, and homes. The esoteric ruler of Cancer is Neptune which symbolizes that we are all children of the universe and that we all belong to the family of humanity. Cancer Feels everything! Cancer is about our emotions and our natural intuition. Meditate on this and create a healthy way to “get over” the things that are trying to hold you back….with Cancer, it is hard to let go! So this is a time to meditate on how to let go of the things that are holding you back…in all areas of your life… so you can move forward and be happy and joyful in life! This Cancer New Moon will stir a lot of feelings, and feelings let us know if something is good or bad. With the Water element of Cancer we are given the ability to adapt to, and be fluid, with the ability to discern what is healthy and what is toxic. It is important to monitor our feelings, and our emotions that are being brought up for us to honor or release. Pay attention to your body and your feelings this month. Your passion for life is ignited by your feelings. Mediate and manifest on this powerful Cancer New Moon, while planting seeds of emotional wisdom and well being. The Moon communicates with us through our right-brain…..imagination….intuition….visions…..and our Dreams.
CANCER BEING the natural psychologist, is good at bringing up old emotional material….related to our parents or our “roots” in life. Cancer is like our umbilical cord that connects us with our home of origin. Where you started out life…..Home. For some, the “old homestead” is still around…..and for some it is not. When you think back…..the memories of your home, or your Grandparents home...for most of you…brings back memories full of warmth, love, connectedness, and family. This is Cancer. Family is there for each other…..when someone needs help or love…..Family is there. This is Cancer. Part of the Love within families is coming from the Elders, the Grandparents, the Great Uncles and Aunts…..they are like the glue that holds the family together. Listening to their wisdoms, advice, stories and memories…..that is Cancer.
Some of you don’t have those kinds of Family memories. Some of us are in situations where we are not getting along with our families…or our family members may be abusive in one way or another. It is ok to distance from them……we need to be with those that honor us and treat us with respect….we need to move away from those that are not vibrating and living in the energy that we choose to live in. Therefore we find that many people are making memories and sharing wisdoms with who they consider their “current families.” Remember….the definition of “family” is changing…..it is now including those close friends that you consider part of your family….the tribe. Sometimes it can also be because their family members live to far away to actually share on a more daily bases. Meditate on your family at this New Moon and Manifest/Create ways in which you can honor and connect with your Elders (on this side or the other side)……How can you become a better Elder yourself. You don’t have to be old to have Elder energies/wisdoms.
The Cancer New Moon is also very Watery….. she is asking us not to waste the Water….not to damage the Earth and not to pollute the air. Our World has to Change! It has to transform (Pluto opposition) it is time to fix what is no longer working…..to move away from things/people/and places that are not resonating where you are now resonating in all areas. Although moving away from all of these things that are no longer vibrating with you and to make changes in your life….is not easy. Evolution happens when something dies or changes (Pluto transformation) and then “the new” begins to form….through profound and radical changes and transformations! If the changes seem easy…..then you’re not doing the work!!
A Cancer New Moon is a time to celebrate belonging, family, clan, and home. Home of origin, your home, the home you are creating/manifesting and your home on this Earth as part of Humanity…… Flow with this Cancer New Moon and come home to the Heart!
THIS CANCER NEW MOON IS OPPOSING…SATURN BY DEGREE AND ALSO PLUTO, JUPITER, AND PALLAS ATHENA! ALL OF THEM ARE SQUARING ERIS….WHO IS STATIONARY AT THIS NEW MOON! Forming a Cardinal T-Square! In more detail: Saturn (ruling Capricorn…Government, military, corporate America, all structures…wisdom of the Elders)…Pluto (planet of transformation, deep Soul Work, intensity, the occult, sex and the taboo)… Jupiter (master teachers, published authors, questing, joy, optimism, Higher knowledge, expansion) and Pallas Athena (female warrior who fought with her knowledge) are all in opposition to this Cancer New Moon Then having all of them squaring Eris (Chaos, discord, jealousy, competition and wild card energy and stationary means a concentration of energy) the Universe is saying that the energies of radical change/revolutionary Evolution is at the for front! So things are a bit more off balance..a bit more chaotic, a bit more competitive and a bit more Urgent..with this Cancer New Moon. The Universe is getting serious!!
This is a major aspect that can be very transformative on the higher Soul/Spiritual levels, or it could become controlling, manipulative, into power and may spout violent emotional out bursts on the lower levels! Stay calm…breath…stay in the higher loving peaceful energies (which is a challenge at times I know).
Remember….Pluto only cares about the evolution of your Soul and the Soul of all humanity… and it will bring situations about to “help” you on this path. You can no longer ignore or move out of the way of the transformations that Pluto is trying to give you. You have to see them, acknowledge them and work through them. Again these transformations will have to do with the Cancer energies talked about above. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the Moon brings in our past lives and cellular memory.
Saturn opposing this Cancer New Moon (by degree) can bring in some restrictions that you might have to deal with…some rules and structures….but on the high side…is the Wisdom of the Elders… Pluto opposing this Cancer Moon can bring up past life memories and things buried in your subconscious…for you to look at and then heal and then release. Pluto rules death, death of the old…so there will also be emphases on moving away from places, people, and things that are no longer vibrating where you are now vibrating. Time to leave them behind and move towards where your Soul is guiding you. Remember that Pluto’s intensity and power is what pushes you forward….makes you move. If you don’t move, you can’t evolve….and the evolution of your Soul is the ultimate goal! Stay out of the fear and take the opportunity to take a step any step just start moving in the right direction.
This may sound like a lot of doom and gloom….but really it isn’t. Knowing the energies that are surrounding you… helps you make better decisions and better choices. It gives you an understanding that many others don’t have….helping you navigate the energies better. Remember we have a powerful piece to play in this game (this incarnation)…..we can manifest and co-create our future. Don’t forget that in these chaotic times…..we are more powerful then we think…. when we connect with the high energies, Source, Creator, and our Guidance!!
WE ALSO HAVE MARS SITING WITH CHIRON IN ARIES SQUARING MERCURY AND PALLAS ATHENA AND OPPOSING JUNO. Mars (passion, warrior, action, courage) will activate things…make sure that the warrior or argument side of Mars doesn’t dominate things. Chiron is the healer so Mars and Chiron together in Aries is taking action and activating ways in which to help heal the world/humanity/the collective on the high side. Let’s try to keep it on the high side. They are squaring Mercury which is our voice…so watch what you say or write and how you are communicating. Keep it on the high side. Mars/Chiron is also opposing Juno which is the asteroid of commitment….so watch what you are committing to during these next several weeks. Make sure you think before you speak or take action on anything major.
THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL AND ACTIVE CANCER NEW MOON …It is time to Meditate, Manifest and Create with these Cancer energies for the good of ourselves, humanity, the Earth and the United States itself! Ask your guidance for directions. Listen to what you hear. Manifest and create…Love, Peace and Joy. Keep sending that message out so all Humanity and the collective unconscious can hear it….. Remember that good and the light always win over the dark and the fear! Manifest Peace!
THERE WILL BE A LOT OF CHANGES/LESSONS and things being put right in people’s faces throughout these next several months….so that we/they can see what needs to be addressed…..and most are happening through relationships of all kinds….Family, Lovers, Friends you love dearly, work relationships and relationships between countries/leaders. There could also be a lot of power struggles with others, and within yourself. Be careful and cautious in how you speak also…
What needs changed or transformed in your life? What area is in need of creating something new, or a new way of handling things? Are there situations you need to move away from gently? Is there someone you need to distance from in the most compassionate way? Is it time to make changes in your family…..the way the family handles things? What changes do we need in the collective, the world? How can we nurture ourselves, the Earth, humanity and the Universe as we make these changes? Take time to mediate and above all…. Listen
WITH THIS CANCER NEW MOON ….it is a good time to create new initiatives around your family, and new higher ways in which to nurture them. This is also a time to think about relationships and how you can nurture them, in the higher ways….not enable, but to nurture…..this holds true with self-nurturing also. It is a time to take extra care of our bodies, our food, our families and the Earth.
It is also a time to be careful and cautious….as things can be a bit chaotic, volatile, and emotional. Be careful how you drive and watch the other drivers also. Watch were you are walking and what you are saying as you may speak in ways that are a bit more aggressive then you normally would speak. Just be safe during this period over the next several months!
Meditate during this Cancer New Moon Eclipse…..rest and nurture your body, as old emotions are released. Go sit or walk near the water and take time to Listen…..what do you hear? What thoughts are coming to you? What beautiful scenes come to you as you co-create your own reality....as you co-create the “New” for yourself and for everyone on the Planet Earth…..
These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.
Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below). Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way.
Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2020 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved.
Astroeyes Evolutionary AstrologyCathy Lindsey