Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As you begin July, you've got to hurry. Mercury is nipping at your heels and will go retrograde on July 14 to August 8. Because Mercury is the planet of communication and transportation, this is not exactly the news any of us were hoping to hear, as Mercury's talents in communications are precisely the ones we require to keep things humming along smoothly. In addition to writing, editing, and speaking, Mercury rules contracts, deals (signed or confirmed verbally), negotiations, translations, commercial transactions, trade, barter, buying / selling, as well as all the moving parts in a machine and all electronics. All the areas listed are due to go haywire. We become forgetful, leaving items behind, say, in a taxi or airplane, or there is...
Taurus (April 20- May 20)
As you begin the month, the full moon will light your house of foreign people and places, and because full moons end things, it looks like you may be returning home from a wonderful trip to a foreign country. This full moon will fall in fellow earth sign Capricorn (12 degrees) on July 3, and you will notice its influence for plus or minus four days. This full moon will conjoin Pluto, so you can, if you like, develop work from the city you visited. There seems to be money to be made, so even if you travel for...
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
This could be a turning point month on several levels. First, it seems your finances are being rearranged and possibly renegotiated. You may not know where you stand until the end of July, or August, but that is OK for now. Go with the flow, and have faith you will be steering things in the right direction. One source of income may be coming to a logical finish, such as when one project ends and a new one begins. Don't let this concern you, especially if the new source of income hasn't shown up yet - it will. You'll have plenty of cosmic help in months ahead, and many new offers will be coming your way. Your only aim should be...
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This month may help you to find closure on some previously stuck areas of life, and when it comes, you will be able to move on, to adventurously scale new mountains. The full moon will appear on July 3 in your opposite sign of Capricorn (12 degrees) and will show you the truth of an important relationship. If someone you are collaborating with in business or are attached to in a romantic way is holding resentment, you will find out about that now. The seventh house, where this full moon will be based, will be strong and show you clearly which friends and family are on your side, and who is not. The closer your birthday falls to July 3, the more strongly you will...
Leo (July 23- August 22)
The start to July brings an important ending to a key project, and you seem to have to get it out the door within four days of either side of the full moon in Capricorn (12 degrees), on July 3. There may be tension, however, as Uranus will not be supportive of this full moon, and something about this assignment may go off the rails. Keep watching all the details to be sure facts stated are accurate. On the other hand, any unexpected difficulty that arises may involve a difference of opinion about the direction the project should have taken or areas that need to be fixed at the last minute to reflect client requests. Be flexible - everyone will be feeling the unexpected elements of...
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
When it comes to career, you are holding all aces, dear Virgo. Venus is now moving at a powerful, strong direct speed, and is orbiting very close to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Jupiter will take the lead in helping you get professional opportunities from several unexpected quarters in months ahead. There is no doubt doors will open for you, and when they do, you will be thrilled. Venus and Jupiter will be traveling in close proximity, telling me you have earned the admiration and trust of several VIPs. Keep up the good work - this month you can...
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
As you begin the month, the full moon will appear on July 3. Instantly it will seem as though almost everyone, in all parts of your life, including those at home and at the office, will need your attention, with your home or family members needing you the most. You may feel a little like you were thrust into the middle of a three-ring circus, charged with the mission of pulling several diverse areas of your life into a unified whole, but doing so will not be easy. You seem to be dealing with individuals with staunch and quite differing points of view, each conflicting with the other, yet with everyone looking to you for answers. This will be apparent in the first week, but stay with me, because...
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Your time is coming to go on stage and shine, but your curtain won't rise until August. Be glad you have time to get ready, for August could well become a landmark month for you when everything changes for the better. When opportunities start to arrive, they will come with fanfare and fireworks, so although this year has had a very slow start for you, finally you will start to...
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Lots of news will be swirling around you in July, and the busy nature of the month will provide you with enough variety to keep you motivated and alert. As the month begins there's tension due to a feisty full moon, but don't assume this is how the whole moth will go. Keep generating that boundless, contagious optimism that everyone knows and loves about you, dear Sagittarius, because once you get to July's third week, the mood of the month will turn quite dramatically in your favor. You'll see bright spots before...
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
It's time to think about your own needs, dear Capricorn. The full moon July 3 in your sign, Capricorn (12 degrees), will bring a matter to fullness that is dearly important to you. When a full moon occurs in your own sign, it's hard for me to see what resides in your heart. You would instantly know what it is - and it is coming to culmination now. There are some clues in...
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
At the start of the month, July 3 brings a full moon that will bring jarring events to many, but you seem to be a bystander to others' crises. This full moon will occur in your twelfth house, ruling confinement and rest, but it also rules hospitals. I should raise the possibility that you may hear that a relative or friend needs medical attention, or that you will check yourself into a facility instead. Mental clarity and successfully deleting a bad habit is also a strong possibility now, so if this sounds good to you, by all means, seek help so you don't have to go through the process by yourself. By no means a "given" this month - you may simply find that as you start the month, you will find that you are...
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
The month starts off on an emotional note. The full moon, July 3, in Capricorn, 12 degrees, will receive a barrage of difficult vibrations from other planets, including Saturn and Uranus, two heavyweights in the planetary lineup. You seem better situated than most, because Capricorn is a sign that blends easily with yours. Still, there will be tension in the air, and it will...
Wonderful! I sure hope that this becomes a permanent monthly post. I loved it! It seemed right on too.
Love and Blessings to you Susan.
Love and Light, d'tewa
it will be a follow up Love,
Love & Light