KAREN BISHOP ~ Miraculous Times

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Miraculous times

 11 February 2011
Channeler: Karen Bishop

February 9, 2011

Hello everyone!

I wanted to send out this brief message, as I thought it was important in this unprecedented time. We are making some great progress moving into a new reality and higher dimensional experience, and the experiences it creates are worth noting, as they can be crazy making and strange at best.

In this year of 2011, we are moving through the portal of the 11 gates, leaving much behind. In this way, with the advent of the 11th of each month, and much to do with 11 gates generally speaking, we get thrust ever forward in small bursts, moving closer into our new spaces, until eventually, we are finally there in every way.

So then, because of the move forward in small increments, we are partly here and partly there, and this is what can cause many strange and uncomfortable experiences for many of us. But know as well, that these strange feelings and experiences as I will describe next, are very common to the ascension experience. They occurred in earnest around the year 2000, and they are occurring again. This proof in the pudding that we are indeed evolving into a very new reality and new experience, leaving the past three years or so, far, far behind us, is an encouraging sign.

As we have been in suspended animation for nearly three years, waiting for those on the planet to hold the light within themselves in lieu of getting it from the cosmos, the “universe,” or from others already holding light, many who came here at this time finally declared that they were done with the job of assisting in the plan, and wanted to now be free. It was then decided that we would finally move forward, no matter what was occurring, as the game of endurance had gone on so long that many were simply leaving or at best, becoming damaged and weary beyond measure.

So for the past several weeks and months, we have been moving forward and are being released, if even in small increments. During these last few years, we have been in the birth canal, or tunnel if you will, and when in that space, it is near impossible to “see” anything. In addition, we are not connected to anything either. Alone in the tunnel, on a raft floating in a sea with no wind behind us, no oars, and in still waters, with no one to our left or right. But now we are moving forward and this is creating the strange feelings of being in two places at once.

We may feel totally spaced out, as if we are not all here. We may feel that we are talking, but not in our bodies…that the words are coming from someone else…certainly not us. We may look in the mirror and wonder who that person is, as we have no idea who we are or where we are, as we are not all here right now.

We may have a difficult time interacting with others, as they are not all here either! We may feel lost, in an unknown zone, very alone, and connected to nothing. We may not remember what the meaning of anything is, and not remember the names of common objects (very common in the transition stage!). We may have an unusually difficult time finishing a sentence, as we get lost. At times while writing my new book, I would start a thought or sentence and then it would get lost out there somewhere and it would take forever to grab it and bring it back…I could not find it anywhere…it was seemingly gone from my space. We may even forget our names or birthdates, and this is very common as well.

Generally speaking, we just do not feel like we are all here. In this way, we may wonder of we are getting Alzheimer’s, as the symptoms are very similar. But unlike Alzheimer’s, all these symptoms pass in time as soon as we are thoroughly enmeshed in our new spaces in a higher dimension.

Physical symptoms include that old familiar need to eat every two hours, with dramatic blood sugar drops. Our bodies are fine tuning for that new reality, making a massive transition, and need all the fuel they can get. We may feel weak and exhausted, and have just so much energy to spare at any given moment. As we move forward into the new, we may become excited about new ideas and creations, and then not have the needed fuel or energy to implement them just yet, and then they pass for a while as well. We are also still very weary from this entire process and how it has unfolded. A massive rejuvenation period is needed, and I hope we are able to receive this precious gift in times to come.

We may feel that we are having an experience in one world, and then suddenly we are in another world or reality, and have to juggle and straddle, jumping back and forth across a massive, gaping, empty space, leaving us confused, delirious, exhausted and split apart. But there are also manifestations in the physical reality as well, that are in alignment with being in two worlds.

We may be in the beginning stages of something new and exciting, but are still not able to leave all of the old behind just yet. In this way, we may be yearning to begin our new, but need to tie up loose ends first, or complete the last tendrils of our old reality before we can move forward in all ways. In some ways, we may have begun the new, but are still in the old as well, living in both spaces, thus creating even more confusion and splitting. Or we may new opportunities and messages arriving for us, but cannot go there just yet until we finish the old.

During this time of transition, we may feel we are sinking, drowning in possible financial ruin, and may wonder how we will ever survive. But as always with ascension, our needs are always met, and especially during this time, we have just what we need to sustain us, but may not be necessarily generating any new financial support, as we have had to live off of our own energy for the past three years. So even though our needs are met, we are being taken care of, if even through our own efforts for the time being. We are being watched over from above and monitored, and when more support is needed, it will miraculously arrive somehow until we are firmly settled (on this note, a heartfelt thank you to those of you who recently sent donations…they were greatly appreciated and needed. Thank you so much).

As we push ever forward then, into our new reality, leaving the old behind if even in small and steady increments, we will get a big push and much greater movement with the advent of the equinox in March. During this time, we will be more firmly ensconced in our new spaces…spaces which fit us oh so much better now…as we have left what no longer fits us behind. So when the big thrust and big light arrives through the equinox, it will then serve to support us in more ways than we could ever imagine. It will also push us firmly into a dramatic space of new light, with something to hold onto and with much more abundance for all of us. Something we have not seen for a very long time.

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life during these miraculous times,

Karen Bishop

(No website at the moment, no internet, and no e-mail, but I can still be reached through the postal service: P.O. Box 15196, Rio Rancho, New Mexico, 87174)
