~ Karen Doonan ~ “assumption” and the New Earth

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For many of you this time of year may be a tremendous trigger, the media playing to the “happy families” at all moments, with adverts everywhere you turn of smiling people and “festive cheer”.  The old earth is pulling out all stops at this time to try to trigger the grief and fear that was anchored within your human vehicle as you moved through your life within the old 3d earth paradigms. It is to be remembered that you have incarnated over and over into the old 3d earth reality, it is TAUGHT to you as a KARMIC cycle and it is NOT TRUTH, therefore it is not supported in the New Earth.  As we now get “nearer” (to use a very human linear concept) to the “xmas event” then these triggers will begin to deepen in their intensity.

It may APPEAR that the old earth is still fully in place, many of you may “assume” that you have missed the boat and that the New Earth is just but a story or a fantasy and this is also NOT TRUTH for ASSUMPTION is a tool of choice for the old 3d earth.  Whilst you ASSUME to know something you filter out that which is presented to you, allowing your human logical mind to present to you “evidence” to back up your assumption. I have had MANY lessons in this over the past few weeks and it has shocked me at times how deep the assumption has been, how much hurt has been inflicted on BOTH parties as a result and how unseen the teaching has gone until I was shown the distortion.

It is NOT TRUTH to assume that the whole world APART from you is in pain at this time, the “glossiness” of the adverts, the cheery smiles of those around you may APPEAR to say one thing but within the old 3d earth you are TAUGHT to hide your pain and carry on regardless. This works to anchor the pain more deeply as you do not allow the pain to fully rise to the surface and be acknowledged for all that the pain NEEDS to be released is to be acknowledged. The old 3d earth trying to persuade you at all times to leave the pain be and to distract yourself from said pain. This allows the pain to remain deep within the cellular structure of your human vehicle and allows the triggers to sting you over and over again, this works to blind you and to keep you out of the heart space.  As you move out of the heart space allowing the old 3d earth to teach you that there is only pain to be found in the heart you move into the human logical mind where you have “evidence” that is distorted.  I highlight this at this time for many of you reading this blog will have “lost” loved ones at this time of year and the pain may be even now be being triggered.

I ask you at this time to allow the pain to rise within you, allow it to be ACKNOWLEDGED and then allow the tears to flow so that you may heal fully.  I ask you to understand that this time of year is DESIGNED by the old 3d earth to keep your low in frequency, from the foodstuffs that are presented (lots of meat, lots of diary, rich foods that LOWER vibration, alcohol which works to affect the aura) to the glossy adverts and the presentation of what a “real xmas” is about. This filters out the pain that now asks for release from the entire planet. For there is no “shortcut” to the New Earth, the old 3d earth KNOWS that by triggering the pain and the teachings there is a good chance that you will allow the blindness to envelope you and once more stay within the confines of the old 3d earth paradigms.

The New Earth is BEYOND the pain, the pain IS the illusion, I am not stating that the pain is not real, what I am stating is that the pain needs to be HEALED by being ACKNOWLEDGED and not by being distracted from, the pain is LIFETIMES of teachings and lessons that were presented to you as a KARMIC cycle. The very concept of KARMA is a distorted one and one that prevents many from moving in vibration. The New Earth is FREE from the KARMIC cycles hence the inner work and release of frequencies that is required prior to moving fully into the New Earth.

At this time you are asked to view the old 3d earth as a small child, one that presents the gifts, the glossiness and the merriment as TRUTH, whilst the New Earth is presented to you as the JOINING of the human race TOGETHER as ONE in a NEW way of living. Look to your fellow human beings and see beyond the WRAPPING PAPER they use to hide their pain.  The smiles, the gifts etc are all ways of deflecting you from TRUTH. YOU are not your clothes, YOU are not your relatives, YOU are not your job, YOU are not your gender, YOU are not your income, YOU ARE YOU and ALL JUST IS.

The healing that you are asked to work through at this time is the healing at human conscious waking mind level, for you have been TAUGHT to separate your human SELF from your SOUL, this is a distortion and is NOT TRUTH.  At SOUL level you only experience the LOVE that IS in TRUTH, as you come down in vibration to human conscious waking mind level the veils begin to deepen, these veils are illusion for in TRUTH YOU ARE and ALL JUST IS.

Have LOVE and compassion for ALL upon and within planet earth at this moment, including SELF,  for ALL are moving into the higher dimensional frequencies and in order to anchor a new reality the veils of pain, trauma and grief must be dissolved, they are dissolved with the LOVE that IS, you are asked at this moment to allow this to pour through you, around you and within you, as you do this you will begin to remember at human conscious waking mind level that YOU ARE the LOVE that IS in TRUTH.


