The last Blossom was titled, “This is a Time When You Are Releasing All That No Longer Serves“. I scanned through the article. And although I did not read the whole thing, all I needed to see was that one statement. That was it (for me, at least). This is a Time When You Are Releasing All That No Longer Serves.
Lately, from time to time, I’ve been noticing a few articles, about “this government thing is going on” or “that new financial system is coming online” or “this terrible thing has happened”, or “that terrible thing is surely going to happen”. “This was a cabal false flag”, “That was a cabal in drag.” And on and on it goes.
Finally, I got to a point where I just said, “Enough, already. This (or that) is not mine to pay attention to. In any way, shape, or form.” Enough, already!!!
Now all I’m saying here is that all of the “this or that” mentioned above is simply not mine. Am I saying, “It’s not yours”? No. Everyone has free will to pay attention to whatever they want.
But that stuff is clearly… not mine. All of it (for me) is old… old paradigm.
You might want to do a search of this blog for “old paradigm”. See what comes up. You might ask yourself (as I have for myself), “What old paradigms am I still carrying within me?” Or, “What parts of my personality are still aligned with ‘the past’, or ‘things that worked great… back then’.”
For me, folks, all I will say is that “This is a Time When I Am Releasing All That No Longer Serves“… Old things, old ways of thinking, old ways of feeling, old ways of doing, old ways of being.
I am here to serve “The Light”. In this moment. Whatever that means, to me, in this moment… of Now.