KP Message 11-15-13 A Weekend for Light and the Star Families

Lia's picture



130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_23this weekend I am at a ranch in Texas with quite a number of Beings of various sizes, shapes, and colors. From all around this planet.

The presence of my Self at this gathering was rather “unexpected”, but clearly called for. So, here I Am.

Likely my posts will be limited this weekend (which sometime means that I’ll be posting a lot), but no matter what, it’s “the Energies”, particularly the Star Being type energies, that are calling all who are invited, by “the Energies”, to come here.

All I can say is, this is a major event.

Thank you all for Being the Light that you are, wherever you are, for this Event this weekend. We are all a part of it.
