Lady Portia ~~ You are swinging between 2 realities ~~ by Love Reporter Méline Lafont, 26/09/2012
Greetings, my beloved hearts. I like to dwell in your NOW energy to bring this enlightened message, full of Love, forward to all of you. Let me begin by stating that you are delivering quite astonishing performances ; I like to keep on saying this and I feel how your Love rises ever higher, far above the level of what is needed on the average! We are there, we have made it, we have reached the limit and even outstripped it. I express my gratitude for this ; your enlightenment has shaped your new world and I can honestly relay to you that this shape really is a beautiful form made out of purity itself. Just a little while longer before this new world will be presented to you.
My dearest hearts, you only have the last sprint in front of you, leading up to the finishing line, the biggest one ever. Admittedly, this last sprint can require lots of energy and perseverance, that’s why it is of the utmost importance to give you and your physical vessel more rest than usual. Your physical vessel has undergone many transformations lately and it now contains more and more Light and Love. Adapting to those higher frequencies of Light and Love goes more smoothly now and becomes increasingly tolerable for you as you are really getting used to those adjustments.
The difficulty you are experiencing now lies in the fact that your physical bodies have reached such a degree of enlightenment that the current vibrations in which you dwell are so low in comparison, that your enlightened vessel can no longer function properly at a certain point. It distances itself increasingly from these lower vibrations to reach the state of perfection, as a forming lightbody.
All in all, you have to adapt constantly between the two different worlds in which you alternately dwell, namely the still existing, but crumbling 3 D vibration, also known as duality and illusion on the one hand and the innovative world of 5D vibration in which you just entered on the other hand. The ongoing duelling with each other and the travelling, back and forth in both of those worlds, makes it extremely difficult for you. You have arrived at the most active point where everything is activated simultaneously inside yourself as well as outside yourself.
One moment you feel yourself adapting to the enlightened higher energy of the 5D vibration, a process that now goes much more smoothly after a long period of adjustments. The next moment you seem compelled to lower your energy arriving again in the old 3D vibration in which you have spent so many lifetimes. This is what is so difficult to experience for the Lightworker community. A feeling of struggle predominates in order to again adjust yourself to these lower energies, it is quite obvious that you can no longer cope with these lower vibrations, let alone tolerate them, as you increasingly distance yourself from them to reach the higher vibrations. This results in extreme fatigue, this gives way to a sense of depression and to moodswings between being lighthearted and being heavyhearted. Be aware, my lovely ones, that you are amidst this “swinging” phase between two worlds, to afterwards, definitely be dwelling in the world of your choosing, the world of your creation.
Your astral[etheric] travels and the active duties you perform during your sleeping hours have in themselves also reached a pinnacle which corroborates the fact that much is achieved by you as well as by the Higher and the Galactic Worlds. Let this be a confirmation that a lot is unfolding in and around your planet leading up to enormous transformations. You have now arrived at a specific Galactic level which induces a very close cooperation, a fact that has already started on the astral level. Dreams and memories appear to take on their forms and are turning to you. Progressively they are duly noticed and experienced in an increasingly conscious manner. These are the many changes that will appear in front of you, whose manifestations are taking on specific forms. For that you rejoice and with reason, for it is the first icing on the cake; many more will follow, up until the end of the ride!
Let’s all take good care of ourselves and taking lots of naps whenever possible, as the hard work performed at this high level interdimensionally is a work of gigantic proportions. Since we are all increasingly becoming one with our Higher Selves, we also experience our other embodiments who find themselves simultaneously on other timelines, in other dimensions, spread throughout the whole Galaxy and far beyond. I greet you all, my beloved hearts, from the bottom of my heart for I love you all so deeply.
I AM that I AM
Lady Portia
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
I was just thinking today
I was just thinking today tired again! Will u ask for a vacation for the third time in this month?! It s really getting very exhausting lately the intensive dreams, where u feel u ve travelled to a diff world then ur alarm rings and u drag urself to work. At work u struggle with the negativeenvironment draining u more and more. When ll the cycle end? When will i regain my energy again?! Im tired of the releasing process but on the other hand i know it s the best thing that happened to me
Hang in there
Hi Salma,
know that it will pass and you will regain your energy and feel more balanced. Take care as much as possible and do daily and continous concious breathing it will help you a lot. I am talking from experience believe me. Accept and allow this process and Call upon the angels and your soul Self to help you, they will! know you are not alone and you are loved very much.
2 realities
This is amazing, i just woke up, checked my facebook and noticed that it looked like someone at the other side of the world has been channeling me!!! Or could it be possible i've been there through astral travel??? Anyways it was very nice to wake up with :D
In love and light <3
Many blessings,
Thank you for this message which really touched me. I have been feeling the ups and downs from bouncing between the 3D and 5D realities. And , as you stated, this is accompanied by ecstatic highs and then depressive lows. And, when I find myself in the lows, I find it so confusing as I feel that I have "done something wrong." I feel like I should be able to maintain the joy.... that I should be mastering this 3D reality not feeling thrown about like a ship lost at sea.
But, oh well, I also have recently experienced the feeling that my higher self had enetered my physical body and it was orgasmic. I thought, "this is it! Oh my GOD, thank yo! this is it!" But...then....just after getting out of bed, I am back to the feeling of 3d drudery.
Anyway, just wanted to share. I have been so isolated for so long, it is hard to imagine what the new earth will be like, and if I will feel a part of it? As, I have not felt part of this 3d reality for so long it is all so surreal, is it not?
Love and Light to all my brothers and Sisters who are going through this too!
Love to you Michael, you are
Love to you Michael, you are not alone, since we are all one.Many people are going through similar experiences. xx