Greetings beloved ones, I Am Lady Portia and I welcome you in these golden times of opportunities and profound changes.
What you consider reality is in fact the greatest illusion ever. This illusion renders you insensitive to the genuine Reality of our existence and to your own existence in other Realities. What you observe as being you is but a tiny fraction of your Self. You exist in other, different forms of expression of your Self. You exist simultaneously in various worlds and dimensions in this moment of Now. Take a walk through those worlds and dimensions and observe yourself taking on various forms of expression. Journey to your inner I and ask your Higher Self to guide you in this wondrous journey to yourself. The path to Ascension will bring you closer to this Reality as it emerges from within yourself.
The observed world which you try to give meaning to is nothing more than various expressions of self created thoughts. This illusory world in which you dwell is only a construction of the minds of humanity (through their collective thoughts) and to describe it would be pure folly. How can you describe something that does not even exist with words that do not exist? Can you see how absurd this is, dear ones? Can you feel how you have been stuck in this illusion for countless lives? Thank God the end of illusion has been decreed. Enough is enough. Your liberation from this illusory world is as heartwarming for us as it will be for you. For generations we have worked together to achieve this and in cooperation with your Galactic Brethren, the heavens on Earth and yourself, you have succeeded wonderfully well. All credit goes out to you.
It was imperative that you reached a state of awakening before the whole process of Ascension could be activated. As you have achieved this and are still progressing towards full awakening, we are entitled now to assist you anyway we can. All goes very smoothly, my lovely ones, and I thank you for that. Never before has a cooperation of that size and to that extent been achieved as is the case presently. All kinds of Galactic Civilizations cooperate closely with us, the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy, in order to finalize this process in the best possible way for you and for Mother Earth.
Be persistent as to your ultimate goals and give yourself 100% to achieve them. It is all so close now. This global event is not to be missed. Everything that has been created in illusion will undergo a complete reversal and will collapse in on itself. Do not mourn this or be fearful for in fact it will lead to your liberation. Say good-bye to those old, outworn energies and welcome the new changes and the new energies. Make a constructive use of those new energies to create your New World from your Higher Self and from Love.
You have arrived at a phase in your evolution where your Higher Self will take the lead and will become an active part of yourself and your life. Your Higher Self plays an important role in this phase of Ascension as it functions as your guide. Your Higher Self corroborates who you truly are in the Higher Realms and on Earth ; it will assist in bringing your true nature and your higher skills into expression. It will help you unravelling the veils of illusion, bringing you back to your true essence, your innocence. This is a beautiful gift that you give to yourself and which you can use in the coming months. Allow your Higher Self to assist you with this phase of the Ascension process and you will be amazed at your inner capabilities and contributions in this proces. Truly, you are most wondrous beings, so full of Love and Wisdom. Now is the time to put them to good use. Develop those latent talents in yourself and give them full rein.
Call on me when you need guidance to balance yourself, as only in a balanced state can your Higher Self assist you. I Am Lady Portia and I love you with all my heart for it is my deepest wish to see you all evolve in Love. I Am here at your service to assist you and Mother Earth. My role in this proces will become more clear when the time is ripe.
I Am that I Am.
Lady Portia
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.