Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal (Go With You Gut Feeling) – 29 July 2012
Your head is built to deal with local cognitive problems, with assists from Spirit in the form of intuition or dreams that add “outside” information into the mix. But it can be like expecting your computer to solve a problem for you when it doesn’t have the informational input. Like asking it what the weather will be in Australia when you have no weather station input from Australia to give it. Thus when you ask your head to solve a problem for which the essential information is not available in physical form, then you just frustrate it you see. You are asking it to perform a task for which it was not built; like asking a hammer to tune up a carburetor. It doesn’t have a chance because it’s not built for the job.
Your gut however is built for the job, believe it or not. Your gut is built around the very core essence of you and so it is going to give you a response that comes from the core of you, and that is a very big core indeed. Trust your gut. Go with your gut.
You have always tried to use your head, your cognitive juices to figure it all out, and the task is too big for you. Thus you beat yourself into frustration and a sense of low self esteem. Surrender your intellect. Give up your intellect to Spirit and quit trying to figure out jobs that are too big for it to handle. It can work wonders, no doubt, but the Universe is essentially a job that it is not designed to handle. Directing you is the job of Spirit so you must engage Spirit at the gut level first before engaging the head.