Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – 19 August 2012

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Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – 19 August 2012

Twelve Insight Journal

August 19, 2012

Guest: Here’s my question. I seem to be manifesting some good things.

Twelve:  You mean, some good things are being manifested for you.

Guest: Well yeah. I guess. It’s the universe doing the work.

Twelve: Go on.

Guest: So I’ve been asking and expecting more money, and also enjoying making money at work, so this week I ended up getting to work every day. And now it seems out of balance. Like, I can’t complain when I get something I was asking for, but suddenly it seems like too much. I mean I need the money and all but then when do I get to enjoy it

Twelve: So what you are experiencing is an appearance of some things that you have asked for and the lack of others.

Guest: Yeah.

Twelve: This is common when you begin the process of really letting go and allowing the Universe to do its magic, you see. It feels a little out of balance at first because you are so used to getting there by struggle.

So it’s very good that you are not complaining about the positive manifestations. The thing that really is happening here is that you are beginning to receive—in a noticeable, readily evident fashion—the things you were asking for through no apparent, visible action of your own. That’s the way it works, you see.

What you have been used to for most of the times of your life prior to this, is that whole business of struggling to get what you get, working for it, putting in the effort; and so it feels a little slippery to you when things just come of their own accord, without all that strife business. To become a successful conscious creator you not only have to change what you think and what you believe, but you also have to become a willing receiver. You have to be willing to step out of the “I did it” seat and step into the “It was done for me” seat—the easy seat.

Lots of you say you want that. You want it to be easy, but as soon as it happens you clench up and wonder what must be wrong. So our response to your question is; everything is going exactly right. Grab the manifestations that are coming to you and sing their praises and expect more. Once you get the hang of this in one area of your life, you will begin to relax in some of those other areas too, and allow more well-being to flow in those areas as well.

It’s like a kid learning to ride a bike, and the first time they get it to go a few feet they freak out, get a little scared by the newness of it all, and wind up on the pavement. So it is when manifestations really begin to flow for you. You have to adapt to this new life position. We like the sign at the church down the street where L’tif lives that says “You cannot go with God and stay in the same place.”  You are asking for all this change. All That Is is providing it for you. You aregoing to have to change. And because it is a whole new way of being, you can expect to feel a lot of shifting perspectives happening all around you as you move forward. It’s a whole new arena of living, and a happy, easy way of life that you have never before experienced.

Hang on. It’s worth the ride.
~Twelve /link to original article




Me too

Anonymous's picture

I have been experiencing this too! Almost miraculously over the last week things have just fallen into place with rapid speed! Desires to start my own business locally, not just online. It has been like dominoes falling and each time I am shocked at how easy it has been. Sometimes I get nervous at the speed but just go with the wave. I am still in shock of how much has changed in days, not weeks! I am going with it and if this is what to expect from here on out, amazing!!!!