Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – Your Vibration Is Not Just The Thoughts In Your Head

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By: Larry Larson, 02/09/2014

LarryLarsonMany of you are encountering some difficulty applying Law of Attraction. Perhaps you are getting success in some areas and limited success in others. Some of this confusion comes with the use of the word “thought.” And so it is important to know the thoughts your (LOA) teachers are referring to are not just the thoughts in your head. That verbal, analytical, heady kind of stuff is only a small part of what you are thinking. There is a swirling vortex—an amalgam—of thought-modulation of Source energy that emerges into the physical world as you. The part of it that makes its way into your gray matter upstairs is more like an imprint of what’s really going on with you. Your brain is more like a receiver of thought rather than a generator of thought in this regard, and it receives only a limited slice of what you are thinking in total.

And when you try to alter the course of your total-thought-being with just the stuff that’s going on in your head, then you are trying to steer with the tail. It’s like trying to move a chair across the room by grasping its shadow, or trying to board a boat by stepping on its wake. The thoughts that you are consciously aware of in your head are more like the wake of a boat that has already passed.

“But how do I access my thoughts then if not by thinking them?” You access the deeper levels of your thought by engaging your whole body in the process. Your body is a billion points of consciousness that have agreed to be you. You cannot just think the thoughts in your head; you must think them with your whole body.

So when you visualize, imagine, script—whatever is your process for conscious creating—do it vividly enough that your body is engaged. You have to feel those thoughts. Imagine so thoroughly that your body loves to be there too. Just saying a few words in your head won’t cut it. You’ve got to feel them at the depth of your soul, with the very core of your being, deep in your gut, the hara center of your body. Then the signal you are sending out to the Universe is unmistakable. “Ahhhh! That’s what you really want,” the Universe says. And the Universe will yield to your vibrational request every time.

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~ Twelve

