~ 28 October 2012
Question: I heard this the other day, that your life is defined by what you let go of, and not what you keep. It made sense but could you elaborate on this?
Your inner being knows what you are to become, not in the sense that you are predestined in some way, but in the sense that you have envisioned your own future. You choose your destiny with your imagination, your thoughts and your beliefs. And so when you feel the urge to let go of something it is because it is no longer a part of who you are vibrationally. The vibrational you precedes the you that is physically manifested. That vibrational you is closely tied with your inner being–more so than your physical self.
Your inner being will urge you to let go of that which no longer serves you. You are like a sculpture being crafted day by day, moment by moment on the wheel of life. And is it not true that the sculptor’s job is to remove all the pieces that do not fit?
Most often we see you clinging to things and beliefs that you really don’t need any more, and then you experience frustration. If you could just focus on the one thing that you really want to become, and gently release all the other pieces, you would manifest your improvements very quickly.
But you see, you attracted all of it; the rotten job and the great boyfriend…or is it the other way around? And when you accept responsibility for improving your vibration about those things you will be amazed at what will slip away. You hold these things in their undesirable state when you oppose them. They are part of you; there are no separate beings here. And when you cease to need them for something to push against they will go away, or be transformed into something desirable. They are only present in your experience as they are because of your opposition to them.
Use your imagination to see them healed and happy and whole, and you will emerge. The sculpture you are creating is you, your life, your experience, and everything is here to serve you in your emergence. Anything that disturbs you is an opportunity to tidy up your vibration a bit. How else would you recognize the pieces that do not belong?
www.TwelveSpirit.net link to original article