The following post from my dear friend, Timothy Glenn, comes to us all the way from 2008! Yep, Tim’s been getting nudges to look at earlier writings, and this one came out to play first. Read in April 2013, it provides a nice (and eerily accurate) recap of the past five years, with a look all the way back to 1995, along with continued predictions to 2015.
By way of intro to this 2008 post, Tim shared in an email:
“Over the weekend, I was thinking of sending a 2008 article about Pluto in Capricorn, which feels more pertinent as time goes on. But the premonitions kept building (to the point of physical impact) and nothing constructive got done. Monday’s false flag unleashed so much. Are you doing okay physically? As you’ve noted in your blog, it’s a challenge to be empathic and to be enhancing our sensitivities at this time.
“In the vernal equinox article, I said:
Another facet of Saturn in Scorpio supporting Pluto in Capricorn involves bringing things hidden out into the public eye. With these two focusing the point of the Yod on Jupiter, we can anticipate more revelations that will rock the geopolitical world.
Earth Herself may get rocked in the coming months, but the religious, economic and political elements of the human world will certainly be shaken to their crumbling foundations.
“Are you keeping up with how the alternative media is blowing apart the planned storyline? This false flag will not fly for long. Several groups are crowd-sourcing and doing analyses of the photographic evidence. These fools tried to pull this off in front of so many cameras and a much more alert populace with internet access and HD capacity. Images flooded today, and infowars jumped on it. Within 5 minutes, the creeps at CNN and the rest of the propaganda machine totally changed their demeanor and went into panic mode. You could see it on their faces and their body language, as well as feel it in their energies. They even had to change their narrative about the arrest of their patsy. Busted!”
[Laura again: I, too, felt the premonitions this weekend. Monday's events brought extreme sorrow and frustration, but also an awareness of how much faster hidden things come to light these days. As I've said before, I am no more than an armchair astrologer myself, but I love how Astrology gives us an overview -- sometimes far in advance -- of what the cosmic energies support or undermine. That's why I share so many guest posts by professional astrologers. These provide Universal context to individual and global experiences. Here's Tim in his extremely prophetic blast from the past]:
Global Metamorphosis
By Timothy Glenn
Pluto Comes Out of the Closet in Capricorn
The three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) always do a triple transit over every degree of the Zodiac, which would naturally include the cusps of each sign. These planets never simply enter a new sign and go about their business. First, they enter a sign to give us a preview of what they intend to accomplish during the several years they will be influencing us from that sign, and then move in retrograde motion back into the previous sign. After affording us an opportunity to tie up loose ends and seek resolutions, the time comes to move into the new sign with sleeves rolled up, ready to begin the fresh tasks in earnest.
As the slowest planet, Pluto gives us the longest transitional period, not to mention the most thorough scouring of each sign. Here in 2008, Pluto is finishing its work in Sagittarius and beginning its work in Capricorn. He began his Capricorn foreshadowing on January 26, has now gone retrograde, will reenter Sagittarius on June 14, and then will finally emerge into Capricorn on November 27 for a sojourn of about a decade and a half. Remember: Pluto never does a fly-by.
Diehard in a Hard Hat
Pluto brings transformational energy into everything it touches. Unlike Saturn, Pluto does not do remodeling jobs. We can picture Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, as the guy who heads the quality control department. He steps forth into a specific part of our chart wearing a white lab coat and carrying a clipboard. After making check marks and jotting a few notes, he hands us the paper and says: “Here. Changes these things.”
But not Pluto. He saunters onto the scene wearing steel-toed boots and a hard hat. He frowns and shakes his head while glancing around, and then announces: “It’s all coming down. Bring in the wrecking balls and the bulldozers. We’re going to build something brand new here.” Monty Python fans can picture a sudden appearance of John Cleese in an unlikely setting, uttering the famous words: “And now for something
completely different.”
The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown in Sagittarius
When Pluto began insinuating itself into Sagittarius in 1995, the transformational challenge involved our overarching philosophy of life, the universe and everything. For millenia, humans have been driven by fear, lust, ignorance, anger, pain, greed, and other such non-qualities. Our resulting interpretations of life have played out in spectacular fashion, to the point of threatening our very existence.
The message of Pluto in Sagittarius has been: wake up, grow up, and get real. For more than a decade, we have watched millions realize that our beliefs and attitudes help shape the world around us, and the time has come for us to live responsibly on this planet. But then we have the bulk of the population clinging to antiquated illusions, still following the Powers That Would Be, who will undoubtedly cling to their control mechanisms with insane desperation. But they are obviously insane anyway.
Pluto Plows Into Capricorn
As an earth sign, Capricorn deals with brass tacks 3D reality. It builds our external structures based on the philosophies developed in Sagittarius. We concoct our ideas about the nature of the universe, and they manifest in Capricorn as religions. The fearful belief in the mean old man in the sky gave us organizations like the Vatican, dedicated to fostering ignorance and foisting control over the people.
Our notions concerning resources and their distribution manifest in Capricorn as the economy. The greed-driven approach we know all too well has given us soulless machines like the central banking system, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve (which is neither federal nor a reserve).
Our philosophies about how we can all get along without destroying ourselves has raised the flags of government. Deception, manipulation and oppression abound.
Pluto in Capricorn insists that all such structures must come into alignment with our more evolved philosophies. Again seeing Pluto wearing the hard hat, it will help if we understand that the entire old system has to come tumbling down; the religions, the governments, and even the economy. Perhaps the prospect frightens most folks, but the old world must make room for the New Earth. Period.
No Joking Matter
The preview we have been given here in the first half of 2008 paints a foreboding picture of times to come. In the United States, we have witnessed the foreclosure rate jump through the roof, the dollar take a breathtaking plunge, gasoline prices spike, and other such indicators.
While discussing this with another astrologer, we shook our heads and laughed. “What are we going to tell our clients as this unfolds? Gee, your chart looks great this year. You might not lose your house.” But we acknowledged that within a year, this will no longer sound like a joke to the vast majority of people.
From June 14 until November 27, Pluto will give its last call in Sagittarius. “Eleventh hour confessions, anyone?” After this year’s preview, the choice feels like mutate or die.
Pluto Takes a Leak
As the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto deals with anything deep, dark and hidden. From our dirty little personal secrets to the colossal coverups of the old world Capricornian monsters (the governmental, religious and economic institutions), this transit will shed light where darkness has dominated.
Capricorn and Saturn rule the tenth house in the natural wheel of the Zodiac. The tenth house is often referred to as the house of career in our charts, because it deals with what we do in the public. It includes our standing in society, our reputation, and our interactions with “the system”. In more universal terms, Capricorn equals the public.
As Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, grinds its way through Capricorn, it will tend to bring that which is hidden out into the public eye. Do you suppose we will see “leaks” of information the Powers That Would Be would rather keep secret? Count on it. Watch for it. Get ready to do something about it.
To use an analogy from The Wizard of Oz, Toto will pull the curtain aside. The public will see who has been pulling the strings on the world, adjusting the levers and pushing our buttons. The sight will probably not look pretty. Unlike the movie, we may not uncover a lost little old man who will be willing to help us find our way home. Pluto’s message: deal with it.
Mutual Deception
Before Pluto will even reach the halfway point in this massive transit of unveiling mass deception and breaking down the old system, another phenomenon will occur. Saturn will enter Scorpio in October of 2012. For almost three years, the ruler of Capricorn will probe the depths of Scorpio, as the ruler of Scorpio intensifies its efforts in Capricorn. With Saturn and Pluto in mutual reception (each in the sign ruled by the other) facts long concealed will finally see the light of day.
If we can accept responsibility for what we have allowed to happen to ourselves and the earth, we will be inspired and empowered to shift our reality. We will discover our true nature, our actual history, and our innate creativity. The Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth will become increasingly manifest as Pluto moves across the halfway point of its Capricorn adventure in 2015.
Give Us a Break
Come New Year’s Eve of 2015, we may want to take a break and enjoy the halftime festivities. But Pluto will merely be warmed up and ready to rebuild new structures to replace what has been demolished, and demolish whatever remains of the old world. It might get exciting. The second half of Pluto’s awesome adventure in Capricorn will pave the long and winding road that will lead directly into Aquarius. The dawning will be complete. Perhaps in the Age of Aquarius, we will be able to lighten up and get
playful with our Plutonian energies. / link to original article