~ Leano Rice ~ Breathe Your Almost there~

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The Illusion of Time and the Physical Being


Time: A limited and linear perspective of the infinite Now, created to restrict the unfathomable velocity of  timeless human potential. The old way, no longer needed for our evolution. To remove the shackles of time from our wrists, is to free the timeless beings of divine light. A light that is powered by the intergalactic space of all realities and possibilities. Linear time, like a linear flat earth, has a start and ending. We are no longer beings of that perspective; the Golden light of the Now shines forever, and is bound by no numbers, hands, or frames. All possibilities exist Now. Nothing is beyond the reach of the One who is already every place in every moment.

All possible realities of our infinite perspective exist in space. Just because we choose to physically portray one possibility in the physical realm, doesn't make the other possibilities any less real. All exist in the timeless. To close our eyes and focus our energy on a loving subject or physical act, is creating a reality in the Now. This reality is just as potent and real as the physical incarnation of perceptual reality. Close your eyes and think of a loved one who has passed. Think of particular moment you had with that person that made you cry tears of joy, or when you can remember feeling utter happiness in a place that had no time restrictions. These realities still exist from within. We can still laugh, share, and cry from the moments we shared with them whenever we like. The illusion is, they are any less real from only replaying within our memory, in a place that has no physicality. But, we are non-physical beings, inhabiting a physical experience. The misconception has always been, they are replaying from our mind, when in all realities, they are actually replaying from our hearts: the endless reality. These are the moments we can recall that produce an emotional response. Possibilities and memories that transcend the electrical relays of the human brain, and reside in the comfort of the everlasting experiential heart memory. If these realities still exist within the One, then they still exist within All. We can still feel and experience when we are in a vegetative state. The life force of our physical reality does not originate within the electrical relays of the human brain, but instead from within the energy force of the human heart. This is why we stand by our loved ones for months, years, and even decades, while they lie seemingly life-less in hospital beds. We know, beyond knowing, that they are present, and can feel the love we hold for them in their hearts. We feel as though they might be trapped within their vessel, and they might require our assistance when it's time for them to move on. This is a display on there part of pure unconditional love. Willing to extend their physical reality, with all physical restrictions, so that the ones they love have the ability to come to terms with letting go. But, worry not for these beings; to turn off the body, is to turn on the perspective of the infinite soul.

You ever awaken from a dream and swear it really happened? It did. You experienced it. Sometimes these realities are so real, we physically sweat, twitch, or wake up feeling like we were the leading role in a timeless love story. We are timeless beings of light, inhabiting a physical form so that we can all benefit from the experience of feeling our way into a higher vibration, collectively, from an individual perspective. All lives and perspectives become the glory of the infinite when viewed under that light. Good? Bad? All illusions; experience is the key, and inevitable in all possibility. That experience is what contributes to the next moments of choosing the perspectives of what is seemingly good or bad. The trouble is, we sometimes get caught up in the emotion of the perceived reality, and miss out on the experiential growth of our individual and collective perspectives. Once all emotion becomes experience driven by a solely positive perspective, we find ourselves glowing in a world of Christ Consciousness. The evolution of the self and the collective is based on ALL experience. All is well, in a world of infinite experience guided by loving light. We exist, we have no choice in that; it's up to us to create our own experience within that reality, or choose to ingest the realities of the old paradigms and make them our own. Why not shine from within?

Fortunately, the time is Now, and the children of the New are awakening in mass from their 3rd dimension slumber, and connecting with the eternal light of unconditional love for all humanity.

- People are questioning more, and accepting less.
- Old paradigms are being dropped, literally like bad habits.
- Education is no longer being accepted for intelligence.
- A 40-hour work week is starting to be recognized for its downfalls, rather than its mis-represented idea of success.
- People are taking to the streets to express their collective opinions of the outdated and destructive systems.
- Mother nature is starting to be recognized for the living and conscious being that she is.
- Media and political perspectives are losing their grip on the human divinity.
- Mentalities are switching from the driving force of a logical persuasion, to the loving power of the heart.
- Ego's are falling, and consciousness is taking form.
- The vibration of the human race is moving into critical mass.
- The light has been activated, and it can only get brighter.
- Darkness is slipping into the distant shadows of the imminent Golden Light.
- Paradigms are shifting, and love is in the air.

BREATHE it in...we're almost there.

