Lemons have remarkable healing properties. They are a great help in over all detoxification! There are known for detoxing the body, weight loss, cold preventative,cancer healing etc! In Ayurvedic medicine, lemon peel is used to clean and tone the liver. Lemon water is one of the best ways to alkalize the body. It aides in digestion.
You can lose weight and detox your body by just adding lemon water to your diet. No need to Master Cleanse, fast or buy anything! It is one of the simplest, most inexpensive way to boost your health.
I buy organic lemons, wash one well, cut it in half and throw it in the blender with water. You can add honey, ginger and or cayenne pepper for added benefits. personally, the less steps anything requires, the more likely I am to do it, so I keep it simple.
Lemons benefits include:
- aids in digestion and weight loss
- antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic
- known to relieve asthma
- great skin cleanser
- heartburn, bloating and other digestion problems
- stimulates the liver and kidneys
- Rich in Vitamin C
- Lemon juice contains calcium, magnesium and potassium
- B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, and folates
- can help dissolve kidney stone
- antibacterial (one reason it has been used for centuries with seafood )
- helps in white blood cell production
- osteoarthritis
- anti-cancer
Rich in Phytocheimcals like Hesperetin and naringenin are are antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, and immune system modulator. This substance has also been shown to reduce oxidant injury to DNA
The peel makes the drink delicious!
limonin and limonenein peel stops cancer cells from dividing. It has great healing properties. Sweetened lime water which include the peel is a common drink. In America, that is the origin of the Margarita. Next time you go to have a drink try Lime water and a little tequila. It is full of health properties!
Lemon Detox, master Cleanse without the fasting. I was in a house in Greece for a few weeks last year. I started feeling a bit ill from the toxins from a nearby plastic factory. There was a lemon tree in the yard, after 2 weeks of toxins, I started drinking the lemons all day and recovered my well being in a few days.
Limes have some different properties, but can be used in the same way.
For daily tips on Facebook or twitter: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Detoxing-the-Body-and-help-for-Mutiple-Chemical-Sensitivity-MCS/187950527911388
Lemons have the ability to
Lemons have the ability to neutralize the acid/ alkaline balance in the digestive system.
If you have an acid stomach lemon will return it to neutral. Same if you are having a
alkaline reaction. Lemon is the great neutralizer.
Just the other day, I got bit by a bug that made the bite swell up like I was alergic or something, and the itching was terrible. For some reason, like a memory, I got up and went into the kitchen, grabbed a paper towel and some lemon juice and saturated the paper towel with the lemon juice, and layed it on the bite for about an hour. Afterwards, I took it off my leg and it was like there was no bite at all. The swelling went down and it didn't itch anymore. I actually forgot all about it. So, yeah, lemon juice works great! Thanks for this post.
Love and Light, d'tewa