On August 4 at 11:11am Linda and Reynolds will perform a Star Gate Activation Ceremony by the Lion outside of the MGM Hotel, Las Vegas: Reason: To Free People from Bondage, so they ascend, then experience the Six Sacred Portals in Las Vegas, and healing sessions...1st photos are from the June 23, St Louis Arch, StarGate Activation...Please join us, and bring your family and friends, share this video to the world. Places will majorly impact: Germany, U.K., Italy, Arizona, Hawaii, New Zealand, Argentina, Mexico, and All waters,
Commentary from Galactic Free Press~ Reynolds and Linda are Earth Allies being instructed by the Agarthans. Interestingly, they have been instructed to be In Vegas where The Lion is, Reference the Lions Gate Opening July 26th, and closing August 12th, 2012. The Following is information about the Lions Gate Through Celia Fenn
In the Syrian cycle of Stellar time-keeping, July 26th is also the time when the Star Sirius begins its helical rising in Egypt, signifying the rising of the Nile and the flooding of the land to bring abundance. This was also symbolic of the new wave of "Cosmic Water" or Light that would flood through from the Galactic Center to the Earth and bring waves of blessings and the New Codes for Planetary evolution and growth. These New Codes will be activating and electrifying every cell of every being on the Planet with the New Information for the Divine Plan for the Coming Year.
The "Lion's Gate" is thus a Star Portal of New Energies, traditionally assisted to the Earth through Sirius, but now received independently by the Earth in her new status as a "Blue Star" capable of receiving and transmitting Stellar Light Codes. This transmission reaches its climax on the 8th of August (8/8), and then the Stargate closes on about the 12th of August. Certainly a time of Great Celebration for Star/Planet Earth and those who live on her and are awakened and conscious of the nature of Cosmic Evolution."