Lets rejoice ~ White Cloud through Leanne Kerrison

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Let s rejoice in your time of Christ –mass. In your time of thankfulness, and giving.  In this remembering of the Christ energies, it is important to know that this is always your gift, not just in this time of Christmas. The gifts of forgiveness,  gratitude and love, are bestowed on your world right now, these gifts of love, reside in all off you. Let this Christ mass, the remembering and celebrations of these Christ energies, be with you always.

Always forgive, for it is what your heart is meant to do my friends, what it is meant to do. Always be grateful, for In gratitude, there is grace.  Always be gracious, as this is your souls sensitivity speaking. Always be kind, for it is in this kindness, that one can truly be in there power of now. Let this kindness pour out of you as this is what your world needs. This kindness brings forth gratitude in others, this gratitude in others restores ones faith, this faith brings them hope. Hope brings some peace and love.  

See this full circle happening, why the simple act of kindness can have such a huge impact. Remember these things in this busy celebratory time, you are experiencing now. Remember, this love and compassion when you are forming your earthy opinions of others. For we are all one. All connectedness, in this vast universe. These energetic connections reach far and wide, more than you know, right now, its like the telephone wire, transmitting your communications…… these communications come from your thoughts and emotions.

Be responsible for your thoughts and emotions, and be kind to yourself, when you recognise that a shift might be needed when your thoughts are not where you want them to be. This awareness is all it takes, to shift back to the frequency we desire. Your heart frequency. This is what these positive thoughts and emotions align with – and are – your heart frequency. Eminate this love, to your world, now, in your time of Christmas, and know that the coming together of your whole world, at this time, is very powerful indeed.

These beautiful energies of gratitude, grace, and kindness are certainly amplified now. Why not let these feelings be of always – it is Christmas ?  any time of the year, think of your life is a Gift. Because it is just that, my friends, it is just that. Your Life is a Gift. Not only for you, but for many who you choose to share your Gift with. Share who you truly are, live your truth. For this is your Gift. You all are very special with your own special Gifts to share. This individuality that you experience on your earth, is a Gift. Listen to your heart, listen to your soul, for if you don’t quite know what your gift to your world is yet, you will very soon.

Just listen to the beat of your own heart, in the silence, this Gift of who you are will shine through. Dance to the beat of your own drum.  Your intuition, your own guidance, for it is what you call your gut instinct. Always go with your gut instincts. For it will always be right, if you are living in your power of now - gratitude, grace and kindness

