A Light in the Darkness, Ascension For All Souls, Part 5: Caroline Aguiar

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By: Caroline Aguiar, 02/15/2014


Its possible this topic hasn’t been addressed yet, but if it has, I’d like to voice my opinion on it if I may.  The point of this article is really a question for each of you who read these words.


Will All Souls Ascend?


I’m sure some one out there can give a better definition of ascension that I can, but I see it like this:  Ascension is the return to our natural state of being with our consciousness fully expanded, and encompassed within the truth of who we are.  It’s the end of dualistic consciousness, and the beginning of unity consciousness, global peace, and harmony as one unified body.


In order to do this we need to raise our consciousness to the point of returning to the Christed consciousness, which raises our vibration to match the higher vibrations within the Higher Dimensions, and Spiritual Realms of existence.  We can reach this level of consciousness through the clearing of issues, false beliefs, and programs which have kept us captive within the dualistic ways of thinking, believing, and BEing.


Ascension is not about leaving the planet, or our families.  It’s about our conscious choice to engage in inner change, and personal, and global evolution.  We are reactivating our divine human state by achieving Crystalline Conciousness without leaving the physical body, unlike the process of transition.


When we transition, our physical body ceases to exist. We also know this as death.  When we die, or better said, when we transition our physical house (the body) no longer exists in the living world, but our soul does.  Our soul is eternal, and it too, much like the Ascension process, after transition, the soul returns to its Crystalline Conciousness, and it returns home to the Higher Dimensions within the Spiritual Realms.


While in our Ascension process we have the conscious choice to engage in inner change, and personal growth by clearing our false beliefs, and ways of being, but, can we say this is so for all transitioning souls?


Before going on, I’d like to reiterate the definition of Earthbound Spirits.  An Earthbound Spirit is a soul who could not complete the transition process because there were unresolved issues at the time of their transition, such as fear, doubt, false beliefs particularly beliefs wich may center around religious views, and judgements.  There may be unresolved issues within their family unit, such as strong emotional ties to the family, or a specific member of their family they think they are leaving behind.  Still yet, there are some Earthbound Spirits who transition very young, or quite suddenly who are in denial of this truth without realizing they have transitioned at all.


These Earthbound Spirits I speak of live in what’s known as the Middle World, the World of Duality, and Suffering which is where we live too, although this is rapidly changing now as more people are consciously working to change their way of being, to one which resonates with the New Paradigm, and the higher vibrations.


Although not all of us can see these Earthbound Souls, or feel them, there are many of us who can, and they do exist.  With the current changes many are undergoing at this time due to their awakening process, and ascension, these sensitives are tuning in to the truth of who they are as they discover their unique abilities to openly communicate with  the Spiritual Realms.


Earthbound Spirits are everywhere, but they are most prominent in hospitals, where there are large water sources such as ports, underground rivers, and streams, and anywhere large crowds of people congregate.


In regards to ascension, as Gaia, and her people continue to ascend, and we move into the New Paradigm, what will become of the Earthbound Spirits who are still caught within the earth plane of duality, and suffering?  Will they ascend too?  If you’re wondering why I seem to refer to them as if they were standing before me while I type this article, or as if they were still here with us, it’s because I am.  They are people, just like you and me, the only difference is, they no longer live in their physical bodies.


We’ve seen many movies, and T.V. shows about Earthbound Spirits who couldn’t go into the light because he/she still had unfinished business to attend to, or emotional ties to their loved ones whom they believed needed their help, and support.  Ghost is a prime example of this as Patrick Swayze, who transitioned after a fatal shooting, tried desperately to warn his girlfriend, Demi Moore, that her life was in mortal danger.  Once he did so with the help of a medium, Whoopi Goldberg, he was finally able to leave the earth plane, and move into the light, and return home to the Spiritual Realms.


There have been other shows such as the 1980′s show with Michael Landon, Highway to Heaven, or Ghost Whisperer with Jennifer Love Hewitt all who played significant roles in aiding Earthbound Spirits to resolve their issues so they could move into the light, and complete their transition.  Of course these are fictional stories, but I do hope you understand my point.


In a sense, transition might also mean Ascension because once they cross into the light, they return to their Crystalline form within the Higher Dimensions of the Spiritual Realms. Please understand I’m not stating this as the absolute truth.  It’s my truth because this is what I’ve learned from my personal experience with Earthbound Spirits.  I also fully realize ones religious background has a great deal to do with our beliefs about transition, and I respect that completely.


With that said, I’d like to ask you to consider what I’ve written here.  Perhaps my knowing has kicked in, and it runs deep inside me, but I feel the great importance of taking into consideration the well-being of Earthbound Spirits who are still caught within the world of duality, and suffering.  I say this because the reason they are there, is because they have unresolved issues, whatever they may be which prevented them from moving into the light, and completing their transition.


Is it possible to consider that maybe some Earthbound Spirits do want to complete their transition, and move into the light, but they are unable to do so because their remaining issues have bound them to this earth plane?  How do we distinguish those who want help with transitioning, from those who do not?


To be Continued in Part 6: Ascension For All Souls




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