Wow, How beautiful!! Thanks Jamye and MFG!! The language of Love and Light is very different to my hearing..Sacred's almost like American Indian...Ishtan yela eh lake ter err ..mar.. oh bas .electa ishac ta....pine ack mar. ...y la ...don ela lake ti ne...That's kind of what I AM hearing and I don't even know if I'm hearing everything, but the FEELING of LOVE flowing from Jamye to All is so beautiful...
Everything is speeding up, but, so Divinely...Sacred Language... It's amazing to know and see Divine LOVE encirling this beautiful blue nova star Gaia as she is Ascending to her rightful place in the Heavens as we ALL rise with her. LOVE Rising!! Forever and ever!!
Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3
Wow, How beautiful!! Thanks
Wow, How beautiful!! Thanks Jamye and MFG!! The language of Love and Light is very different to my hearing..Sacred's almost like American Indian...Ishtan yela eh lake ter err ..mar.. oh bas .electa ishac ta....pine ack mar. ...y la ...don ela lake ti ne...That's kind of what I AM hearing and I don't even know if I'm hearing everything, but the FEELING of LOVE flowing from Jamye to All is so beautiful...
Everything is speeding up, but, so Divinely...Sacred Language... It's amazing to know and see Divine LOVE encirling this beautiful blue nova star Gaia as she is Ascending to her rightful place in the Heavens as we ALL rise with her. LOVE Rising!! Forever and ever!!
Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3
I feel much love and light
I feel much love and light from you Jamye, thank you! Bless you love and bless all.