Laughter is the Best Medicine
Good day to you. I am Chuen with the Tone of 12. Together we welcome you to this grand and glorious day and encourage you to take care of yourself and truly lighten up. Humans tend to take themselves and their situations way too seriously. Let us begin by laughing. Take time now to laugh. Deep, hearty, belly laughs.
Get your energy flowing. Work your internal muscles. This will energize you. Do this anytime your energy is feeling low. Although it may not be socially correct, do it anyway and encourage others to laugh with you.
How many business meetings would be less boring and more energized if they began with a good belly laugh? Wow, wouldn’t those creative juices flow then? Those who work with children, take laughter breaks. So often in your educational settings, their giggles and laughter are reprimanded. Get them laughing and watch their attention spans increase dramatically!
When you have gatherings of a spiritual nature, take time to have laughter sessions. Rejuvenate the energy and get it flowing. Joy is the essence of your Being. Feel the joy awaken as you laugh with uncontrollable mirth. Laughter is wonderful exercise for your internal organs. Laughter is the best medicine and it’s free! There would be a lot less reliance on your medical systems if people would laugh away their woes.
Instead of a dozen or more pills, simply laugh. When you feel sad; laugh. When you feel tired; laugh. When your energy runs low; laugh. Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!
There are Laughter Clubs* springing up all over the world. Globally, people are reaping the benefits of gathering to laugh. As each of you comes out of the closet and allows yourself to laugh when you need it, doors will open wide for others to follow suit.
Laughter from deep inside releases hormones at subatomic levels. It enhances awareness as you inhale more oxygen, bringing more creativity into your life. When you yawn, you are bringing in more oxygen as you relax. When you laugh, you are bringing in more oxygen as you prepare to be more active.
Selamet! Chuen 12
from archangels and devas
“Laughter Clubs use a systematic program of deep breathing, gentle stretching and laughter exercises that encourage playfulness and a balance of mind, body and spirit. We don’t use jokes or comedy routines, so all you need to bring to a Laughter Club meeting is the willingness to laugh. Come spend time with friendly people who laugh with each other, not at each other. Our laughter fitness program will prevent hardening of the arteries and hardening of the attitudes.”
Dr. Mukund Mehta
I found this intriguing, don’t know if there is such a thing as a laughter club here in the States- let alone in my dense energy area- but it’s a really cool idea. Laughter is truly healing. Two weeks ago my daughter had a wisdom tooth pulled. She was still in pain after 6 days, jaw hurting to open very far or eat and using lots of pain meds to get through a day. Well, we spent the sixth day with family, telling funny stories and laughing a lot. I had told her earlier that day if her jaw still hurt the next day to call the doctor for advice. She woke up the next morning and the pain was gone…. She called me asking if I had done anything. LOL nope! I told her laughter is healing!