~ Lights On~ HIgh Energetic Day for Movement of the Light

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Link to Today's Newsletter: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/lights-high-energetic-day-movement-light

Greetings Love Beings, We have a Highly Energetic Day Today for alot of Positive movement for the Light! These current energies can bring misery to the egos, and More Joy for the Awakened. We are Currently raising the Frequency on the Planet Daily! Lights Are Coming On, On Planet Earth=Heart and this Is Unstoppable! We are also In another acceleration Period through The End of January! Humanity has not seen anything yet like what is to arrive this Year.

Join us Live Today beginning at 1:30pm Pacific for Our Weekly Galactic Love Party where Every week the Ships Assist Us in Pouring Energy through into the Planet! You can Assist and Participate in this overflowing Joy and Love At this Link Today http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Quoted from Andrew ....."Some of them will see you living through your heart and standing in your truth and their rational mind may seem to be aggressive or threatened by your Light. They may challenge you or seem to judge your choices as “foolish or misguided”. This is the time when it is even more important for you to stay grounded in your truth. To anchor the higher frequencies of Love and Light and to not let their confusion affect you.Consider it as when you have been asleep in a dark dark room and suddenly someone turns on the Light! You at first are confused and might even be angry at the person who turned on the Light. You might feel the physical sensation of the Light being too bright or hurting your eyes. You may even want to put your head under the pillow and try to avoid the Light altogether, and there will certainly be much moaning and complaining! However eventually, they will open their eyes and begin to orient themselves to their new reality. For once the Light has been turned on, it can never be turned off. Once they have blinked their eyes and called you a few choice names (laughter) they will see that this new Light is not a bad thing, that it is cause for celebration and excitement! Now we are not saying that you should force the lights on, or run from house to house busting down the doors and turning on all of the lights! (laughter) We are simply saying that as you reclaim your divine sovereignty as powerful creators, as God incarnate, your lives and choices will be the Light lived in physical example.

Your choices will be the beacon, your Love and compassion and understanding will be the Light that switches on. You will truly be able to say “I understand, for I have been there too”!

This is what we wish you to know…that the perceptions of fear and confusion are merely the last protests of the rational mind. For the ego and the rational mind are but gatekeepers. They operate naturally out of defense and fear…that has been their job in the 3D Earth and they have done it quite well! But defense and fear are very low vibrational states and simply will not thrive in 5D Earth.

So our point is this Dear Ones: Anything that is not Love or Light or compassion is not real…it is only illusion and you know this in your hearts. Stay grounded in your truth, hold your beacons high, live your lives from your heart center and waver not from your chosen paths. You have done the work to get here and your reward is of your own making. You are the one you have been waiting for and now you may stand as an example of what is possible when a life is lived from the heart.

That is why you are here! That is the point of all of this!...." End of quote


Quoted from Today's Earth Ally Message" “In the Spiritual, Upper Realms, The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, Real Making Love is Sharing Love and Truth. It's more than your physical making Love, it's a Much Deeper Feeling and Experience, because it's Real, True and Actual. This was something you could never experience in duality, because duality was all lies, you cannot have Real Experiences in the lies of illusion. Feelings can only Be Experienced in True Reality, where Love Is All there is and Truth is all There is. As We Share and Speak to you Through this Message, We are Making Love with You, as This is what Pure Truth is in Reality, as this Is how The Love Vibrational Frequency Creates, Love in Motion, Through Sharing, Giving, Honesty, Truth, and Unconditional Love. This is where Joy can Be Expressed, Love's Greatest Expression is Joy, through giving and sharing!”... End of quote
