a message from Rev. Kaye Sawyer
Saturday, 9 February, 2013 (posted 20 February, 2013)
Hello friends. If you are reading this, it might be because the title grabbed your attention and you most likely identify as a Light worker, Adult Indigo, star seed or any combination therein. If that is indeed the case, it is highly likely that your early childhood experiences and/or your Family of Origin have been a source of pain, frustration or disappointment for you. You may also take heart that you are in quite a “club” of your peers, and that this REALLY did and does serve a higher purpose. At this point, you may think that I’m just here to sell you some New Age positive thinking Snake Oil, but I do encourage you to read on.
Based on my research of Hypnotherapist and Adult Indigo expert Dolores Cannon’s work, primarily her book, “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth,” and also my work with the Akashic Wisdom Keepers starting in 2007; it is evident to me that there are many that identify as Light workers, Adult Indigos, Blue Ray Beings, etc. that were born into lower consciousness, dysfunctional families in service to help transmute the karma(s) there. No it has NOT been easy, but we are also strong enough to handle the job. Not only that, but we have had tremendous support in this task, both seen and unseen to assist on our unique soul journeys. This is also vitally important work as it has helped to pave the way for the Shift and New Earth energies that are forming a new paradigm and higher reality that will be a blessing to all of humanity.
The Keepers have given many teachings on this subject over the years, and I have enclosed here what I consider to be some of the most clear and helpful that they have shared:
Birth families on this plane are primarily of two types: A vehicle for you to experience your karmic/soul contract, and also a place where you will experience unconditional love. For many, especially those that came in with a soul agreement to transmute ancestral and generational karma, they may find that they did not necessarily experience a loving or supportive family environment. You are now at a phase in life and growth where you are gathering your soul family groups and are finally experiencing the love that you did not receive as children. You may find that the roles of parents, grandparents or siblings have been replaced by others not necessarily in your birth families.
Bless these beings for the role that they served for you. Because of your birth parents, you have a physical vehicle to experience life, and this is a great blessing. It has been said that sometimes in the case of siblings that you are “accidental roommates,” though this is not entirely accidental. The point being, there is no obligation to keep relationships that are not productive and show no signs of becoming so. There is a tendency of the heart and mind to cling to the family of origin, even if it is not supportive or functional. Keep in mind that if you walk away from any relationship in spite or anger; you are not complete with it, and it may emerge in your life in another form. You will see that your feelings about your family or anyone, is down to you and always has been. This has been one of the great lessons of the Grand Cross energies of this year, and you have done well with this. Do not let anyone or your own ego convince you that you cannot change imprinting that you may have received as children. You are a being of Light and as you awaken more fully to this truth, all that has been created in illusion or misapprehension will fall away. Shanti. – The Keepers, 10.13.11
We understand also that one of the wounds that may be appearing for some, are those who have been “disowned,” by family members or others. First of all, this is a misnomer of sorts as no one really owns another. There are times when it is necessary to part ways with other beings for certain reasons and this is perfectly understandable. This can be done firmly, but also lovingly if it is required. To be “thrown out” of someone’s life has everything to do with them, and usually brings with it a certain amount of emotional violence. This action is often saying, “I cannot deal with your presence in my life and what it is bringing up for me.” This is usually not known in the conscious mind, however. There is only ONE of you here beloveds, and you are never disowned by Source, this is an impossibility.
Emotional pain lives in its own self-justifying Universe. Many conclusions are made about yourselves that are untrue, based on false information. For example, if you were raised in an environment devoid of love; this does not mean you are unlovable, but this is often the message that is translated, especially to the mind of a child. Though the subject of individual karma is deeply complex we will say this; that everyone embodied at this time has agreed to a certain extent to experience and transmute a small part of three-dimensional illusion. To blame others and outer experiences for emotional pain is part of egoic “hard wiring.” Yes, the actions of others and outer experiences HAVE occurred this is not to deny this, but to say that to focus only on the pain and not discover what is behind it is to dwell in the unreality of the situation. To rise above this tendency is to engage the wisdom of the soul. – The Keepers, 11.4.11
In the years from 2010-2012 especially, the task for many light workers was to identify dysfunctional patterning in their personal relationships, including their families of origin. Now from 2013 onward as we move closer into the dynamic Aquarian Age of Awakening, it will continue to be vital to work with the issues of forgiveness (for self and others,) and the transmutation of lower energies which will continue open us to higher states of love, light and expanded consciousness which are our innate birthright as multi-dimensional emanations of the ONE/Source.
Bright Blessings and much appreciation to you fellow Light Worker friends. It is you that are transforming the world. Try to remember that on both the difficult and the beautiful days, and shine like the Bright Stars that you are. ♥
© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2013. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you.