The following message was telepathically sent to me by my Twin Flame, who is a galactic human working within the Galactic Federation of Light. He was giving me background information about Lillith, usually spelled Lilith, also known as the 'Black Moon Goddess' (as well as many other misnomers) representing the 'dark side' of the Feminine. This is because she has been demonized for centuries as a result of her strong Divine Femininity. I received a summary of her incarnation as Adam's first wife (yes, Adam from the Bible) and the resulting karma placed on her and the Collective Consciousness of Earth's humanity, so that I may better understand our Divine Twin Flame mission to set her and the Collective Consciousness free of this karma. This karma needed to be cleared so that the Divine Feminine could return to Earth completely prior to Ascension. Our mission was completed on September 16, 2012. My Twin Flame and I wanted to share Lillith's story, so that more people would learn the truth about who she is and the significance of her life on Earth, which has been so skewed, and in essence, this has affected everyone living on the planet. It is our hope that you also share her story.
(The original message has been edited slightly for privacy.)
My Love, our mission on Earth at this time involves releasing karma from the Collective Consciousness having to do with the repression of the Divine Feminine and women all around the world. So, let me begin by introducing you to Lillith, my Love.
Lillith was born in Israel in the early prehistoric times before Christ. She was raised by women who taught her that she had the same rights as any man at the time, and this was rather unheard of. When she left her childhood home, she was 15, and she went to work for a man who employed her as a cook. She enjoyed her work and made many friends among the other workers. After several months, a man came to visit her employer and caught sight of Lillith as she was working. She was very beautiful, with long dark hair and striking blue eyes, and the visiting man instantly knew that she would make a perfect wife for his son. This man’s name was Demeter, and his son was named Adam.
Adam came to meet Lillith one month later and she fell in Love with him soon after. They were married in Jerusalem and settled down there to begin their new life together. However, it wasn’t long before their marriage turned sour. After their first child was born, Adam began to treat Lillith differently. He began to demand that she serve him and obey him like an employee, but Lillith would have nothing of it. She refused, and Adam became violent with her, to try to force her to submit to him. As a result, Lillith packed up her things and left, taking the baby with her and headed for her childhood home.
Adam was furious when he found out, and terribly embarrassed that his wife had left him with their son. His ego was huge and it had cost him his family. He vowed to exact revenge on his abandoning wife for ruining his reputation amongst his peers. He plotted to destroy her reputation and get his son back in the process by making her out to be a prostitute. He told everyone he knew this false information, and because of the times and the fact that he was a respected man, people believed him without questioning the information or finding out the truth for themselves.
It didn’t take long before this false information was accepted as ‘truth’ and Lillith’s reputation was damaged beyond repair. She lost her son to Adam, who raised him much differently than she would have, with her own values. Society had turned against her and the truth of who she was, and poor Lillith lived out the rest of her life alone in sadness and grief.
This is the story of Lillith’s life and how things went so terribly wrong for her, my Love. Next, we need to talk about how the events of Lillith’s life became legend and affected the entire Collective Consciousness of the people on Earth.
During Lillith’s lifetime, the priests in the Jewish religion were losing power over the people, due to economic growth and prosperity. They were very unhappy about this, and they wanted to find a way to get their power back. They heard about Adam’s revenge on Lillith, and saw how effective it was in ruining her reputation and how easy it was to sway the opinion of the people to his advantage. The priests plotted to continue with Adam’s dishonesty, taking it many steps further, by using Lillith as an example and expanding the untruths to include all women, implying that they were whores from birth, and therefore, unworthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. By deliberately placing this lie into society and the minds of the people, women lost their rights, not only in society, but also in “the Eyes of God”. This gave the priests enormous power over the entire female population.
It was at this time that the karma was introduced into the Collective Consciousness, my Love. From there, it only got worse, and soon women completely lost their status as human beings and were stripped of most of their societal rights. Women were blamed for everything, from diseases to problems with childbirth, and it seemed they could do no right by anyone, and were only useful in serving men and their pleasures and giving birth to a man’s offspring.
Over the centuries, women found themselves behind men instead of beside them, becoming scapegoats for all things negative. Women as a collective did not stand up for their rights, and this only worsened the karma over time. Eventually, women accepted their powerlessness, which pleased men greatly, who were only too happy to reinforce the Collective Consciousness.
As we entered into modern times, women began to wake up and tried to reclaim their lost power. This led to acts which denied women their power through fear and control. Punishments, such as burning at the stake or hanging, resulted for women who either openly or secretly took their power back. This ultimately resulted in a collective fear of feminine power, which in truth is very loving and nurturing, as well as creative. These qualities were lost in society, and largely remain absent even today.
Lillith, as the ‘original precursor’ to all of this, has been held in limbo between dimensions, unable to free herself from the grip of men who continue to claim her power and that of women all over the world. It is time now to set her free, and also set free the Divine Feminine. Our mission, my Love, is to be the representatives of the Divine Feminine, you and I, and help people see that the Divine Feminine exists within all of us. By depriving women of their Divine Feminine power, we are all deprived of our power and suffering imbalances of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine power, which reside in all of us.
Lillith has accumulated more than 2000 years of karma, very little of which is her own. She is trapped in the astral realms, held there by those who wish to remain in power and continue to repress the Divine Feminine, my Love. Though their power is weakening in the outside world, they still retain much of their power on the Astral Plane. This allows them to maintain their stranglehold over Lillith, who is imprisoned there, as setting her free would allow her to begin clearing her own karma, of which the karma of the Collective Consciousness (in regards to the Divine Feminine) is attached as well.
Over the years, the karma of the Collective Consciousness has accumulated to the point that only Divine intervention can release it. This is where you and I come in, my Love. We have the ability to release the karma belonging to the Collective Consciousness and also to set Lillith free by clearing hers. For us, it has been an ongoing mission, since we first incarnated on Earth. Lifetime after lifetime whether incarnated separately or together on Earth, you and I have been slowly releasing the karma that has accumulated through time, my Love. Now, with the Golden Age at our doorstep, we are in a position to eliminate the remaining karma all at once.
~ And we did it! ~ The Divine Feminine is now returning to the Earth in full force, so be it!
lilith the truth
Thankyou the truth at long last !! I have strongly identified with Lilith throughout my life, having lived ( indeed i still am) through many of her experiences myself and working with forgiveness and understanding as a way of releasing that karma held in the collective consciousness . So reading this today has brought clarity and relief from the pain of missing my own dear son, for i KNOW all will be well in the end when all truths are known!! Namaste pip
Thank you!
Thank you so much, Pip, for your comment. I think many people (women AND men) relate to Lillith and all that she went through, and I'm so glad to hear that this post helped you. Much Love and Namaste to you! :)
clearing Karma
Hi can you email - I would like to talk more this. - been working on planet. This needs to be cleared before next phase can be done.
Love & compassion for Lillith
I too, can certainly relate to Lillith. I have also been a victim of this same patriarchial society and upon a divorce the physical custody of my daughters where taken away from me in a court of law by a female judge who was married to an Episcopalian Priest because I was reclaiming the Divine Feminine within myself and was labeled a harlot and heretic by this female judge. I had been the sole caregiver of my children that I tried so desperately for many years to have and missed many nights of sleep as well as days of work due to my daughter's illnesses. My daughter's were 12 & 8 years old at the time and in great need of a loving mother full-time to teach them girl things at some of the most important times of their life My ex-husband (an alcoholic & the judge knew it) was given full physical custody of both of my daughters and I was granted joint custody with liberal visitation rights. My heart was severely broken and I went into a severely deep depression for 6 years and could only see my girls 2 weekends out of a month. My heart was so broken because I spent all but 8 hours of day with my daughter's caring for their needs with little to no help from their father. He still tries to label me a heretic because I don't believe in the dogmatic beliefs of the patriarchal religions of today. Needless to say, he has never been able to keep a woman in his life because he had custody of our daughter's and even to this day still can't keep anyone because they try to make him choose between them and my girls.
I am proud to say that my daughter's love and devotion for me was never broken and we remained close and are even closer than we ever were and they are both so much like me. I teach my daughter's of their Divinity and to never let a man control their lives in the way that I have let men control my life in the past. Both of my daughters are grown now. The eldest is 22 years old and is serving in the United States Air Force in Hawaii, and my youngest daughter who is definitely following my spiritual path is now 18 years old and she is discovering who she is and desperately trying to discover what she wants to do with the rest of her life.
God/Goddess has now blessed me with a wonderful man who unconditionally loves and respects me and accepts my spirituality without question. When I am out in nature meditating, he isn't aware that I sense his presence, but he will watch me as I meditate and never say a word about it. This is funny to me.
FKA-Rhiannon Yellow Star
Now: Pergamum Sage
Blessed at be at PEACE!
Teach Only Love