Lindsay Ball ~ The Crystal Team: Hold the Love and Light of God Within Your Heart

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A beautiful and insightful communication from The Crystal Team channelled through Lindsay Ball – Atlantean Crystal Master

Ah, blessed be, to all travellers in this journey through this existence in this lifetime, and what a wonderful existence it is and can be for you all.

In the bigger picture, in a universal viewpoint from a distance aspect, we see many things happening which cause distress on your earthly plane and make you wonder – how does this fit into the new Golden Age, the new era that people are talking about? Why does God let these things happen? How can we live a happy life when there is so much dissatisfaction and unhappiness around for so many people?

These and many questions of a similar type are being proposed and debated among you on the earthly plane.

Well beloved souls, there are many answers to these questions, much is being made available to you, and massive assistance is being offered to you all to help create and support this new opportunity for a wonderful new life.

When this opportunity, on this Earth, was offered as a means of experiencing life in a physical body, it was also considered that having free will would create opportunities to experience this experiment in a more fulfilling and expansive way. The energies and opportunities of being in a physical body enabled more facets to be explored and more contrasts of lifestyle, of energies, and more complex ways of being.

Common Unity

And this started a journey that encompassed free will in a way that is not experienced by any other life forms. And having free will enables people to make decisions that are not always in their best interests, or the best interests of others, of their communities, their country or for Mother Earth.

Self aggrandisement, power, inequality, injustice, all arise out of decisions made using free will in an undesirable state. Control of others, violence, fear; are all aspects that arise from decisions which are not based on common unity, on the ‘good for all’ ethos, or for Mother Earth, and as those elements of humanity have become further detached from their soul essence, their true being and purpose in this existence, so they have created an imbalance in energies around the earthly plane.

And as we know also, life on Earth is cyclical; things do not remain the same for any length of time, they do not remain in a set position for all times. The earth plates move causing land masses to move and rearrange the position of land masses, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, all created different landscapes, animals move around according to season and food availability. Temperatures change over time in different areas creating new vegetation, and opportunities for new forms of life and conditions.

The concept of continual change

And so life on the earthly plane has the opportunity to keep changing and moving and reforming. The land mass of Atlantis, visible below the sea, demonstrates ancient cultures that have existed before, and so other cultures and civilizations have existed and evolved and left evidence of their existence.

And so as this concept of continual change becomes a reality, as we see the evidence of having free will on this Earth at this time, so we can also see that changes in the future can also be based on the positive use of free will, that the energies of love, happiness, contentment, common unity, collaboration, trust, peace, co-operation and living in harmony with all living things and Mother Earth can be achieved.

And add into this the evidence of the Divine Plan, the evidence of this glorious Plan devised and created eons of time ago, dear ones, for you all to experience your various life forms and life times here on Earth as part of your total soul journey. Knowing that energies were established and laid down in the glorious year of 2012 to enable the energies of life on Earth to raise to the 5th dimension, to raise to a level and frequency that will awaken your inner knowledge, your inner wisdom, your inner joy, and allow for all ancient knowledge and wisdom from all cultures past to come forward to assist in creating this new Golden Age.

And knowing that we are all energy, knowing that and understanding the light and love energy from God, Source, call it what you will, is available for you all, is around you and within you, and is within your cellular structure, your DNA, your crystalline grid, all in place and ready to assist you all move forwards with ease and joy into the new era, the new Golden Age. And this will continue to unfold as part of the Divine Plan as part of the love and light of God, created for you all.

Cause for celebration

And so adding all these aspects together, dear ones, the ancient wisdom and knowledge now becoming available to you all, the goodwill and intent of many, many of your Earth soul beings who are living a life of common unity and peace, of light workers, peace workers, joy workers, of Earth workers, all these combining to use free will in a positive way, a positive force for good. This is indeed cause for celebration is it not? Understanding that positive energy attracts positive energy and likewise negative energy attracts more negative energy, then it will make sense to hold the light, to hold the vision of the Plan, to hold the light and love of God within our hearts, within our thoughts, words and actions.

To allow the love and light of God to light up in our crystalline grid, our cellular structure, our DNA, to light up and shine out brightly for all to see and benefit from.

And as more people add to this light, as more people open up to their wisdom and knowledge stored within them, as more people see the benefit of holding the faith, and trusting in the Plan, then the more energy will raise, the more goodwill will be generated, and the more the Plan will unfold in all its glory for you all.

And yes, many aspects of life do need to be addressed and changed, and made more real and genuinely good for the benefit of all, and these matters cannot be overlooked.

Intention among world leaders needs to change to take into consideration, fairness, equality, justice, honesty, openness and good management.

And many aspects are now being bought to the surface for clearance; financial matters are being bought out for examination, land masses of inherent injustice and inequality are being cleansed and cleared, areas of land are being cleared and cleansed by physical means, and all these are happening now at this pivotal time and creating opportunities for new energies to raise the intentions and purpose of these aspects of life.

Faith and trust

These institutions are being cleared and new ways of managing and leading are offered to create fairer, more harmonious ways of life for all. And so these negative aspects can also be looked at positively in that they are now being shown to be false, dishonest, unfair and unjust.

Changes can and must occur to create a better way forward for the future, and being positive, holding the light, holding the faith and the trust that they will result in better outcomes, allows the energies to raise to a higher level. And when the energies of enough souls have raised to the higher level, when faith and trust, goodwill and good intent have created sufficient mass, then critical mass will bring all energies up to the required level and at this point all souls will awaken and understand all that they know within their hearts, within their souls and within their subconscious. And then all actions, intentions, and decisions will be based on harmony, joy, love and the best outcome for all living beings and Mother Earth.

And so, dear ones, there are many reasons to have faith and trust in the unfolding of the Divine Plan. Many of you have already experienced and witnessed changes since the crystallisation of the 144 grid and the new energies bought in on 21.12.12. And these allow for the structure, the basis of the establishing and holding of the new higher energies, and so you can already see the outcome of this. And many more are starting on their journey of awakening and are reading books and looking for groups of like-minded people to chat, discuss, meditate, heal and so on.

And so, dear ones, delight in experiencing these beautiful energies, delight in your inner knowing and awareness, those ‘light bulb’ moments of new understanding, the joining together with people of similar intention to spread the light, to bring peace and understanding into the world, and know that your intuition will be guiding you, your inner light will shine brighter, and your life will flow more easily and beautifully, and you will be a beacon to others to join in this magnificent way of life.

We are with you always, watching over you and offering guidance and support and we leave you with our greatest love, till time again.”

Channelled by The Crystal Team through Lindsay Ball Atlantean Crystal Master

Copyright @ Lindsay Ball – you are invited to share these beautiful words, energies and intentions provided they are not altered or taken out of context in any way and a proper credit line is given – thank you.
