~ Listen Closely, AS Obama Reveals His Light!~

Lia's picture


The Light

Lord Gryphon's picture

I could be wrong, but I think it might be the part where he refers to the work of repairing the world.

Yeah sure,

mforus's picture

Everything he says he does the exact opposite, keep your eyes open not so much your ears!

listen closely, as Obama reveals his light

uwthealer's picture

I've been watching him for quite some time now.  I have yet to see, hear or feel the tremendous light emminate from him.  Not all high beings who have incarnated here open to their potential.  I put him in this category.  I wait, watch and hope.  Peace


You Have to Listen To Key Words

Lia's picture

You Have Look deeper!!!! Never In this Planets History has a President talked about Unconditional Love and Peace!

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!


Julia Cosby's picture

With my ears I hear the light and his light shines bright. His light speaks of PEACE and LOVE.  My beautiful family "REMEMBER WHO WE ARE!"  Powerful, Magnificent, Spirit Beings of Light and Energy.  Created by our Creator, WE ARE ONE AND THE SAME.  WE ALL COME FROM ONE SOURCE OUR CREATOR.  There is only one heart and one love. We are living the NOW our journeys has come to an end.  The end of separation.  WE MUST UNITE!!  It is time to come together and Love one another because WITHOUT LOVE, THERE IS NO PEACE.


Love & Light!



Lia's picture

You Made Me Cry........ Thank You Julia YES YES YES!!! Love YOU So, Love Mother and Father God

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

  Folks Please. You call

Rayz's picture


Folks Please.

You call this .... "Showing His Light".


Start video at 2:50 .

His direct quote here is.......

 "The dream of true freedom found its full expression in the ZIONIST idea".

And you think this guy is a light worker ?

Looks like  ZIONIST   New World Order to me !

Remember .... NAZI stood for the blending of two parties

=  National Socialist  +  Zionist International.


You like that ?..... well that's what you got now !

.... Can you spell  FASCISM ?


So far the only GREAT thing about this guy 

is that he is a  GREAT  DECEIVER !


Is there ONE  single good thing has he done for this country ?. 

Perhaps like.....

Signed the NDAA ?

Increased the deficit more than Bush ?

Supported Holder in Fast & Furious investigation ?

Authorized  exenditure TSA expenditure for billions of bullets ?.

Or perhaps it is his multi-million dollar vactions every month .


Know the Tree by the Fruit !

EH ?


Not that Romney was any better...he definitely was not.... the CIA Jackel.

They got all you voters in the double bind... you think your vote counts ?

.....Well maybe it would have for Ron Paul.... maybe.


Apparently some of you have a much different definition of  "Light Worker"   than I do .


Well...... perhaps he will magically change .... we can always hope Hope HOPE.

..... Honest to God.... I'd love to see it happen.... but till then,


Good Luck.



We understand what you see and hear in the 3d

Lia's picture

You have to Look at it with 5d eyes.... if you look at it in duality as you are thats exactly what You Will See. All Our Love

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

Apparently authorizing the

Rayz's picture

Apparently authorizing the use of drones to kill humans ~

on a daily basis is seeing the world with 5D eyes.

Very convenient ~  and so loving !


That's not what was said at

will's picture

That's not what was said at all. I don't know if you're twisting words or simply not hearing them in the first place.