I am the Resurrection and the Life, but you can be that too. Everybody of you. Ascension is open for everyone in following my teachings. Judge not or you are judging only yourselves, forgive those who have done harm to you but formost forgive yourselves too, love each other as you love yourselves, unconditionally, because you are All One with me and our Divine Parents.
Through my Resurrection and my own Ascension many years later, I have shown you the way to your own Resurrection and Ascension. All of you are wonderful immortal souls, created and born as Prime Souls out of the Divine Mother, fathered out of the divine semen of our Divine Father. We are All One with them. Please do never forget this anymore. Believe in this and live hereafter, like I have shown to you, lived for you, nearly 2000 years ago.
Many of you have remorses, that I would have sacrificed my life for you. Please put it away. Let it go and live your lives as a feast. Enjoy your lives and live it to the fullest. As it was primordially planned to be. Do you really believe that I grieve over you, because I would have had to sacrifice my life for you? No! It was my own decision only, within the divine plan to lead mankind and Gaia out of the darkness back into the light.
Live your lives in joy and unconditional love for all that is, to all living beings on this beautiful planet and also to Gaia herself. Respect all life, because you are One with All. What you do to another you do unto yourselves. Therefore live my teachings in love, then my death on the cross wasn’t in vain.
Much of what has been told to you about my life and my death isn’t in accordance of the truth, but has been adapted by the church to its own teachings. It will be rectified in appropriate time. It would transcend the frame of this message.
My beloved brothers and sisters of any religions or beliefs, the eternal life is certain also for you, because you have it already as a soul. When each one of you however will ascend with his physical body is up to you alone. Only you decide, as you alone are your saviors. You have however all help through the Angels and Ascended Masters, you only have to ask them for help. I have been only your teacher, nothing else. Live my teachings and you cannot miss your own Ascension.
I love you eternally and immeasurable.
Your brother Jesus.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/