Living Between the World of Duality, and the Higher Dimensions~ Caroline Aguiar

Lia's picture




By Caroline Aguiar

This is probably the longest entry I’ve ever written, and as I was urged to write more, my thoughts flowed freely, and before I knew it this post became quite long.

Before I get started, I want you to know it’s also the truth. I  hope in some way it will put into perspective what might come up for some of us as we continue to integrate with our higher selves, and as we begin to communicate openly with out star families, and the Company of Heaven.

I haven’t written anything for about a week, and there’s a very good reason for this. If you’ve read my blog lately, some amazing things have happened to me which I’ve openly shared with you.  My life has suddenly turned into a minute by minute learning experience, and with each passing minute,  I’ve been asked to look at my every thought, and action, whether I want to or not.

The reason for this was what seemed as trivial, and random thoughts, or actions were in fact, issues and beliefs I still harbored deep within me which rose to the surface for release.  When I realized what they were, I was quite surprised because I had no idea they even existed. Most of the time, I said to myself, this isn’t me, I’m not like that, but yet it was me, and yes, I was like that because the belief, or the judgemental thought came from inside of me.  I was absolutely stunned these issues had laid dormant in the profundity of my being, and as I continued to awaken more, these issues rapidly shot to the surface.  I asked my Higher Self, please, I need a break.  Will there ever be a lull in all the learning.  The answer I received was a serious “no”.

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It’s been a grueling few weeks, and I’ve leaned a tremendous amount about myself, the way I think, and believe about everything.  My overall view of the world has changed dramatically as well. I thought I had it together, meaning, I thought I had sifted through most of my issues, and beliefs, but the entire time my Higher Self was with me, she brought to my attention the many layers of “the onion” which still need “peeling” in order for me to reach the root of my dualistic ways of thinking, and believing so I can release them once and for all.

I haven’t told you half of what’s occured with me lately, and the reason for this is because maybe I didn’t truly believe it myself, but, the more I was shown, the heavier the issues rose from within which made me look at the truth of my life, and the hard truth as to how deeply immersed I’ve been in duality, and illusion.  All of this has risen to the surface, when I least expected it, and finally, it became so much, I’ve found myself once again clinging to the side of the mountain as I struggled to maintain my balance between the two worlds;  The World of Duality, and the Spiritual World, and the Higher Dimensions.

During deep trance states, I often see myself aboard a ship, and this vision usually comes at a time when I’m deeply engrossed in resolving a pressing issue. At times, my motivation to keep going drops so low, I’ve had to ask for help on many occasions.  This is when I see the ship.

Once on board the ship, this was what I saw in the vision, I’m taken to the healing chambers, and actually worked on for a while with light therapy, and with healing herbs.  I saw more details of the ship which I won’t go into here, maybe in a later post I can describe the experience if anyone is interested in it, but that isn’t the topic of this present article.

I remember my first encounter with my Female Higher Self was very similar to what I see on the ship because we’ve often sat together in a beautiful natural setting overlooking the mountains, rivers, and green valleys while I watched her prepare a herbal tea wich she made from the plants she had collected, and ground up in a clay bowl.

Once the herbs were ground sufficiently, she prepared the tea, and asked me to drink it, which I did.  She then asked me to lie down on the grass, face up, while she applied the dark, green, plant paste to my chakra areas, particularly my chest, along my spine, my throat, and forehead.  Once the herbal paste was applied a ring of light appeared around the paste, and suddenly, it soaked into my body, and completely disappeared.

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This same thing happened onboard the ship in the healing chambers, only they used light therapy as well.  This occurred when I was feeling very heavy as a result of certain situations around me all of a dualistic nature which I mistakenly allowed to absorb me.   I think no matter how much we work on our ascension process, if our loved ones, and those closest too us are not awake, we are still surrounded by illusory ideas, and ways of being.  In a sense we are still living within the illusion, only our conciousness is not. Whatever our life circumstances are, the idea is to not let other peoples drama, and illusory perceptions affect us to the point that we lose sight of our true nature.

This has been a tremendous obstacle for me, especially as I’m spiritually experiencing more, and learning how to balance between both worlds.   That’s the hard part especially when duality is heavy within the family unit like it is in my life, and I’m sure those of you reading this may be able to understand this same sort of experience among your own friends, and family.

We can’t walk away from our families, nor do we want too.  They need us, and we need them.  We are here with them in this lifetime for a very good reason.  In fact it’s what we agreed to long ago, and no matter the degree of difficulty we may perceive, we asked to experience all of it. I realize this is a profound statement, but it’s the truth, and it’s our responsibility to see it through, to learn from it, and to grow.

Sometimes we may want to throw in the towel and scream at the top of our lungs, ” I’m done, no more!”.  In fact, I’ve said this three or four times this past week, but no matter how often I tell my Higher Self it’s time to go, and leave me alone, she’s still here. Looks like they have more faith in us than we do ourselves.

She knows, and I know, I’m going to keep going no matter how impossible I think living within the illusion can be.   It’s part of the Divine Plan, it’s our plan, so we must learn to balance between the two worlds. In fact, if we feel the desire to keep moving forward, we have to find that balance.

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I’m deeply immersed in duality because it’s around me all the time.  I say this because it lies heavily  within my family unit.  It’s their way of being at the moment, and perhaps to some degree it’s mine too.  Often when there’s an argument going on, or someone’s raging because their were feelings hurt, it takes all my strength not get swept up in the drama, and to stand back as an observer rather than a participant.

When I do, I see duality dancing in the foreground, round and round the afflicted party, and sometimes it feels as if there’s no escape.  I try not to let it affect me, but when if I’m dragged into the situation, I find it very difficult to do so.  Maybe I’m not strong enough.  I don’t know. This is something else I’m working on.  Seems like these days, there’s so much to work on, and when I least expect it, duality, and illusion fly at me from all directions.

Right now, at least at this point in my spiritual journey, the more I know, or the more I see, it’s becoming more, and more difficult to walk in both worlds without letting the dualistic world consume me.  Now, I see duality in full form, and believe me, it’s everywhere.  I don’t say this to scare anyone, but I believe if we are to go on, we should be aware of this, and we should be ready to gather great courage to face it, and keep our balance deep within our heart center at all times.

As we ascend, grow, and learn we are constantly moving forward on our spiritual paths.  If I may say so, this doesn’t mean duality will completely disappear from our lives.  Perhaps our families, and our loved ones are not aware as to what’s happening, or perhaps they aren’t even awake, and that’s okay.  Everyone is on their own path towards spiritual growth, and at their own pace.

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I believe even if some of us still dwell within the confines of dualism, there’s another part of us yearning to rise up, and merge with our true self.  Its taking that final step, that great leap of faith which is often the hardest to do because it requires that we release our greatest fears, and doubts.  I’m rapidly finding out, no matter what experience I’ve had, they still creep in because they are so deeply engrained in my/our being, within our very existence, and in cultures, and societies all over the world.  We must be patient with ourselves, and most of all with those whom we love the most.

The trick is to learn to balance between both worlds, only lately, I’ve found this extremely hard to do. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve seen so much, maybe a little too fast, but suddenly during the past week or so duality is with me at my every turn, and its thrown up its ugly head as if to say, “Where do you think you’re going?” “You can’t escape me, your mine!”

The reason I haven’t written lately is because illusion has hit me full force from all sides, and I’ve tried to find my center again.  My Higher Self has been there for me eventhough I fired her many times.   I ask myself, must I choose between the two?  Or is it really possible to walk between the two worlds, and live in peace?  Most people would say yes, but maybe that depends on the degree of duality, and illusion we think we live in.

It seems to me, the more I see, experience, and understand, the more duality flaunts itself in my face.  I’ve done a lot of crying, and soul-searching these past few days, and it’s dawned on my that however difficult my life here in duality can become, or how beautiful I chose to make it, all depend upon my perception, this is my life path now.  It’s what I agreed to experience, and I’m here for the long haul. I’m here to stay.

As I said before, half of what I’ve written in past posts was not the entire story because it was so much, but let me tell you, it was a beautiful experience, and it was very real.  I’ve seen Erra, I’ve seen the inside of a ship, and I’ve had many deep heartfelt conversations with my higher Self who has already integrated, but the higher self who showed my the ships was my masculine Higher Self.

So this is where I’m at now. I think I have to absorb everything on a deeper level before I try again to climb out of the mire, but eventually I will.  It takes a lot of strength, and courage to do so, because it also means going against every form of duality imaginable which consists within our lives.  It’s a literal uprooting of the programmed foundation so carefully put together, and a build a new one. This time it will be a foundation based on truth.

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My heart aches for the sight of where I truly feel I belong. The love I feel as my knowing kicks in of being where I belong is overwhelming. I want to be there with all my heart, but there is still so much to do here, and I’m sure whatever I’m to do in this life time will be made known to me sooner, or later.

Duality or not, I’m still going to learn to walk the line between the two worlds.  Maybe not as in-depth as I have been, but I’m not giving up, not ever.  In fact, I don’t have it in me to give up. Something keeps pushing me forward, and I guess eventually I’ll figure out how to draw the line between the two, but for now, this is where I’m at.

I wanted to share this with all of you in all sincerity because I think as some of us progress on our spiritual journeys, we will run into these kinds of road blocks because there are still certain issues, ways of life, and being that we need to look at before moving forward.

One very important lesson I learned while communicating with my Higher Selves was a deeper appreciation for Gaia.  Perhaps appreciation isn’t the correct word. A deep love for Gaia has moved into my consciousness as I was shown how much she contributes to our well-being, and our lives.  Due to the loving guidance of my Higher Self, I’ve understood on a deepeer level the necessity, and responsibility we all have to protect, and nurture our environment, and Gaia.  These things I speak of like conserving water when I wash the dishes, taking shorter showers, and even blessing my food before I eat, and taking care of my body are all part of it.  In a sense, I’ve understood the importance of heart felt gratitude to Gaia on a daily because she has given me, and all of us everything which sustains our life here on Earth.

Gaia gives us life. She is life, and everything we consume in the way of food, shelter, and our clothing, right down to the tiniest miniscule of salt we put into our mouths comes from the Earth; from Gaia.  Without her we would not be.  It’s as simple as that, and this has hit me full force within these last couple of weeks.  As a result, I’ve altered my way of thinking, and my way of life which brings me ever closer to her with gratitude, and love for all I’ve received over my entire lifetime, not only in the ways of many blessings, and guidance, but in what has sustained my physical body, and my spirit.

The very air I breath, is her breath.  The food I eat, comes from her, my sense of well-being when walking out in nature is her presence with me, she is everywhere, and she is always with us.  She is love, life, and everything we need to live on this beautiful planet of ours, and we must do everything we can to help her return to her pristine condition, to protect her, and to make sure she heals from the wounds humanity has ignorantly afflicted upon her.


If we are to change our ways of being, thinking and believing, we must walk our talk.  We must be, who we want to be, and all that we envision for ourselves, and our world, we must put into action if we want to manifest our greatest dreams, and desires for a better world.

This means stepping out into the fore front, and using our voice through direct action which will bring our new world closer to us, and into our reality.  The action I speak of may begin within your family unit, with your friends, or community, but it means living, and being the new you which has suddenly blossomed into being.  The time for hiding is no more.  The time for heartfelt action about what we want to change in our lives, all in accordance with our true self, is now.

Thank you for reading this.

Love and Light to you all,





HunkaD's picture

The answer is always LOVE. Blessings and thank you for your post.

Living Between the World of Duality

GaeaIlona's picture

Dear Caroline,

This could not have come at a more Divine Perfect time for me! Thank you so very much for sharing. This Ascension process has been extremely challenging, to say the least, and your words were that of much comfort to me, as I straddle between the two worlds!

Love and Peaceful Vibes~~~~~~~~>