Living the Shift 04-08-13 Living in This Very Moment, Knowing You CANNOT Fail

Lia's picture

You've seen this question all over the Internet: "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" Let's add to that: "What would you do if you knew there was nothing except for this very moment, right now?"

Because both are very, very true - you CANNOT fail, and there's NOTHING but this very moment, right NOW.

These are key considerations in living the shift - quieting the chatter of the ego, eliminating living in projections ("what if...") and memories ("I regret that...")... and instead remembering to live right now, in the moment, with the goal of living in unconditional love and happiness... or, actually... living in BLISS. That's what our goal is: To reach our soul's ultimate purpose, which will ultimately allow us to live in bliss! And, in removing the ego's projections and worries, it only has to be that way for YOU... and the rest in your life WILL fall into place in a way that serves you in the Highest and Best way. Just think: If we ALL lived that way, without the ego needing to prove itself over others (thus eliminating the need to hurt or have power over others)... without the ego perceiving us as more or less powerful than others, and in the realization of our Oneness and ultimately our equally infinite Divine abilities... why would there need to be anything more than this moment? Food for thought...