Is Love an Emotion?

glr_Andrea's picture


Is Love an Emotion?

by Keith Chouinard on 05/10/11



Is love an emotion?


 If love was an emotion then that would mean it is conditional as it would depend on something other than just being. Love IS, it does not need to fulfill itself or another - for it is love.


 When we remove our opinions and our judgments, our assumptions of knowledge as well as our wants, needs, demands and desires we realize love simply IS.


 Love is not about a particular personality or an ego.

 Love is not about a degree of softness or sweetness, there is no temperature value to love.


 To actually offer love is to be unconditional. Love is a stark reality that does not depend upon ones conditions or even values or needs being met.

 Love IS and it cannot be altered or moved for it is the purity of life itself.

Until this can be fully comprehended one cannot actually love another or themselves for that is a conditional being.



Is Love An Emotion....

Ra-Raela's picture

Love is a state of "being" and in a "category" by itself. Love is the glue that holds the universes and dimensions and all they contain, together. 

Mercy + Patience +

Fabian's picture

Mercy + Patience + Comprehension + Acceptance + Forgiveness = LOVE.

This formula actually works! : )