(Originally channeled on 3/31/13 Easter Sunday. View origanal post @ https://www.facebook.com/SoulSiStarChannelings)
It is a time of celebration, fly away on the wings of love so that you may let go of the past and open up your eyes to what you do have, now is time to heal. Surrender and allow yourself to start anew. Like the great Master and Leader Jesus you have journeyed far on your path accomplishing great inner experience and knowing spirit. You all have the ability to guide others with your healings and teachings. This is a time when we are moving into the great cycle of yin vibration as an expression of Gaias' rebirthing into her higher reflection. Use your leadership and guidance as a tool to help bring spirit into manifestation. You are all loved, Blessed Be.
(Channeled by Heather Hermanson-Ouhkam, Soul SiStar Channelings)
Channeling tool: 6 cards drawn from The Sirian Starseed Tarot deck by Patricia Cori and Alysa Bartha with channeled interpretation.