Link to Today's Newsletter:
Greetings Love Beings, Welcome To The Intensity of February Energies which Ignited today! MAJOR SHIFTING UNDERWAY! Be Patient with yourselves and with others! We Love You! You can Join the Earth Allies Today Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific For a Galactic Love Party In these Intense Energies at this Link:
Quoted from Karen Doonan" As many of you are now experiencing the linear year 2014 as defined by the calendar used by the human race generally upon planet earth has been unlike any other energetically. It may have taken some of you by surprise how “full on” the energies are and are continuing to be. Personally over the last linear 24 hours sleep has been erratic to say the least and the influx of higher dimensional frequencies has at times sought to place me in a sort of meditative state, somewhere between full sleep and being awake. It is vital that when this unfolds that you RELAX into the process, for the human logical mind may try to teach you that you NEED to sleep and then it will DEFINE the type of sleep that you need.
The human vehicle is going through the transition process from a carbon based vehicle to one that is CRYSTALLINE based and as such the “needs” of your human vehicle will change and shift as the energies change and shift and you begin to anchor the higher dimensional frequencies within the cellular structure of your human vehicle. It is not TRUTH to state that the entire human race will experience ” a shift” all at once for all are unique and all are in personal transitions. It IS TRUTH to state that the planet herself is shifting and this shifting will now INCREASE RAPIDLY. This is to support the birth of new ways of living and BEing in human form upon and within planet earth. It is also to support ALL races/realms who wish to have a physical presence upon and within planet earth." End of quote