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Dear humanity,


We are the star beings and are about to visit your world. We have know about you for a very long time. In our realm there is no time, but in your time, we are older the Earth and even your own Sun. We witnessed the formation of your solar system, and the evolution of life on your planet, and now we see that you are at a critical juncture and could use our assistance.


We come to remind you of who you really are. Once we were like you too, we had bodies, we ate, we were born, and we died. Then our species discovered that within us lies our true nature, an immortal star being of light . This discovery transformed our world, for all the confusions and misunderstandings fell away, and the light healed us and we became one with ourselves again. We then left our physical bodies behind, to inhabit the stars as immortal light beings.


In an instant we can go to any star system we wish. Our consciousness can contain the entirety of all the galaxies in your visible cosmos, and so we are able to enter and leave them at will. Our light bodies can withstand the energies at the centre of stars, so we have crafts and technologies that can enter stars to use portals at the centre to other realities and other worlds. Some of our worlds orbit globular clusters, where the skies are filled with hundreds of suns. We found our consciousness was as vast as the universe itself, and contained many layers, or dimensions of expression and so we learned to inhabit planes beyond time and space, where the main mode of expression is through the Divine Vibration. Everything we do is in accordance with this infinite, healing and enlightening vibration. Living forever amongst the stars, we formed collectives and decided to help those species on lower dimensions who are struggling to refind themselves.


So we come to you now, as your planetary systems, both ecological and societal, are facing collapse. You have forgotten your Light nature, and by doing so have perpetuated confusions and misunderstandings, and you have come to believe in your reality so deeply that other dimensions are not known to you. This disconnection from your Divine Source has de-energised your bodies, so you have to eat, and sleep, and you are often fatigued.


More seriously, having lost sight of the cosmic perspective, you have placed heavy demands on your three dimensional systems, and they are now breaking down, and will soon be unable to support so many of you. Although there is a lot of denial in your culture about your environmental situation, the reality is that your species is now at the top of the endangered species list, and within 10-15 years of your time, will move into the category of critically endangered.


There is no way forward by continuing to consume the Earth and spending your energies on creating and participating in massive economic systems that are based on fictions, lies and distortions of the truths of infinite energy. The economic systems and the leaders who have created them, can offer you nothing in terms of wellbeing and spiritual fulfilment. In fact your economic systems are propped up by huge pharmaceutical companies who profit in sickness and suffering. The powers that be on this planet do not want you to be well, to be free, to be liberated. Please realise this. They wish you to be enslaved to a system so that the elite can live lavish and selfish lifestyles at the expense of the common people and of nature. They have turned a blind eye to the poisoning of the oceans, and the dumping of toxic wastes that are harmful to all expressions of life.


In 20 years time you will not be able to eat anything from the sea because of the build up of mercury in the ecosystem. Inorganic farming has rendered most of your soils nutritionally useless, and require many centuries to recover. Your water is contaminated with toxins that interfere with the higher brain functions, placed there by a group of people dominated by fear, who know that their reign of power is coming to an end. Do not fear, for these toxins will soon be harmless to you. If you can realise your Immortal nature, this energy will enter your body and heal you so deeply , you will become immune to all toxins.


The political structures of your world have become extremely dysfunctional and operate against the principles of Truth and Divinity.They are structures that have been built on ignorance and fear, and seek only to perpetuate fear and thus an ensuing subservience to their agendas. When you realise the power within yourself, you will never be afraid, and then you will see through the lies that they have created. All structures not in accordance with the Divine Law must ultimately surrender to the Light, and as such, the world systems on your planet will soon enter a period of collapse.


These systems cannot handle the reality of who we are. They have only existed for so long, as they thrive on our unenlightenment and fear. This is for your people, the age of great healing, where all your fears will become transformed into love and wisdom. Then you will never accept a leadership who disrespects life and the sacredness of all that is. You will stand and call to account those who have plundered the Earths resources, used your taxes to fight wars and those who have acted to hide from you the reality of our existence.


What the leaders have not told you is that they know of our existence. They are also very afraid because they wish to remain in charge, and have built elaborate Star Wars defences around your planet in a futile attempt to defend their reign of power. We do not come to fight, but we come to the assistance of those human hearts that call for us to help. The powers that be must step down, so that Universal justice can be restored. The Higher Councils of Light have also determined that the dangers to your species are so severe that intervention is warranted. We are immune to any weapons, and we cannot be destroyed, as we are immortals. We can also render nuclear systems inoperable, for such destruction can never be allowed to happen.


We come to aid of your peoples, because now you have begun to realise your nature, and are now ready to be able to receive our assistance. If we had come before, our appearance would have created too much fear, and thus the visit would have been counterproductive. We cannot do your healing work for you, but we have come to hold a loving space for this work to begin. For as your healing enters a deeper stage, your species will enter a period of chaos, as all that stands in the way of your awakening is purged and released. Fear not the upheavals, for they will be your liberation. Stand strog and fearless, loving and compassionate as your systems finally begin to give way, to be replaced by a new consciousness, so deeply profound, nurturing, and enriching, as yet you are unable to comprehend it fully. But one day your species will be celebrating this awakening, and it will be so joyous and divinely ecstatic, that none of your present day parties compare.


Your true nature is an immortal pretending to be mortal, a star being hiding in the physical realms, pretending to be not much more than an animal. You are immortality and truth bundled up in a package of lies, misconceptions and past karmas which has created a physical shell that imprisons your spirit. When your awakening accelerates, you will feel your body changing, and one day it will simply be dissolved, and there your presence will shine, naked, pure and unhindered, colourful and radiant, eternal and undying. You will then remember that you are one of us too, and then you will be able to come to our realms and be reunited with us.


This is the ultimate purpose of the collapse of your old world, to set you free. Faced with spiritual and ecological crisis, your peoples with our help will be able to awaken and ascend in time to avoid the ultimate collapse of your ecosystem. When you ascend, you are immune to any three dimensional catastrophe, for you are no longer bound by death, time or any other physical laws. You are simply essence, your physical form is gone, and you become an immortal.


Have compassion for those who resist the awakening, and hold to the old world. For not everyone can make the journey this time. Eventually all beings discover their immortality, for some of us it takes more time, and different collectives of our species will be on hand to assist these spirits through the difficult passages ahead in this dimension.


Do not be shaken or disturbed if you see more death around you in the transitions ahead. Not all of you can make the ascension in bodily form, and so will leave the world through death, to be freed and return to immortality. Some beings have karmas that can only be cleared through death.


Hold you course to the Light, and remain open and loving. Identify with your deeper nature as much as you can. Do not be afraid, this is your awakening and final liberation from this world. If you can complete this journey you will never have to die again, even in this life. Eternity and immortality awaits your species , and we await your homecoming too. As you get closer, we will show ourselves to you and lead you the rest of the way. And then together we will be, in cosmic family, amongst the stars, for the ultimate divine celebration.


Much love from the Star Beings of Light

Channelled through by Free Spirit

www.awakening2012.co.uk Healing Humanity with Love

