Lucas – Sacred Circles, Being One With The Source And Connecting The Dots – 24 July 2012
There are no masters, no gurus, no teachers, no-one that is better or above someone else in the sense of our 3D vocabulary and semantics, there is only you and one. If some-one speaks to you it is the one talking to you that is part of you and the one. You are as all is one with the source. You are the masters of your selves. You have the source and knowledge of all within. All is and is One.
A difficult concept to grasp maybe, but maybe it is just the simplicity that makes it so beautiful. What ever you seek within gives you the power to find an create or co-create it and manifest it without running in circles. You can if you want to be free, be without lack, without al negative thought or emotion, you can think of as you having all within you as the knowledge of your heart. The heart is the first thing that formes after cloning of the cells after conception. It is the first that has its own neurotransmitter and brain cells and not the brain. It is really your first brain also.
The source also called many names by many of you like Yahweh, God, The Creator, The Divine, etc, is all One. If you will find the answer of Oneness within your see things have not to be black or white, dark of light but just are in harmony and balance without attachment of any qualifying label or thought in separation, division or duality. That are all just words and semantics, if you truly find the Oneness in the source that gives you the power of creation as you being your own Master. Be in the present as there is no past of future. All is simultaneous existing now and being evolving and acting around a for us imaginary point of all.
It is not difficult to see that there are more sound tracks on a mastering table than one. But all is one at the same time but without time as 3D concept. It exist all together even on other time lines, other (multi)dimensions or at the begin or end or any place of a linear time concept. We have been living frequencies and vibrations. It is like hide and seek. You see me and see me not. All is there but on different levels of vibrational frequencies.
The spectrum of it all in all levels is the source our source our total being of One with All. The circle is the divine cycle. A form or balance between all that is upon here circular and therefore in a linear line in correspondence to the One. All divine cycles or circles together intertwined form a globe/sphere or ball when formed all around One center point. The all. The point is taken it is the beginning the source of all. It forms the mass it forms the formless. It is gravity and attraction as it is expulsion and explosion at the same time.
You have been built of circles and cellular structures that formes mass in accordance to its frequency behaviour of the circles with each other and its surrounding or other divine cycles. See the circle of life as your frequency existence. See also circles do not end. All is existing in each other, surrounding each other and is interconnected on all levels . All is and returns to its core structure the cel or circle made up of little circles called dots.
All is made of connection or interconnection or disconnection of that what is and interacts with or does not interact with the vibrational frequency or levels of vibrational frequencies of the build of circular of cellular structure(s).
But for you maybe farfetched or even in your believe system, dogma and received teachings and education wrong, it is all as it is and you want to experience it. It is your point if view on an other circle or sphere in some time line existing of endless spheres, circles and cells made. You can see it as an organic form you can see it mathematical, you even can not comprehend it but that to me is also part of the One. We have to see that we are one and not some insignificant dot that thinks it can be not part of the whole concept of One that is source. You just need to know that you are always in relations to others and other things existing, seen or unseen but always connected.
Therefore STOP telling yourselves separation is the way to go or duality and ego are the key. You should know better by now. Freedom and peace are found in connecting the dots yourself and see you are part of the circle and not separate of the universe, the source of all that is. Seek the answer within your heart that is and was always your thinking center and if connected and opened up to its powers will free you of your limitations. Be peace, be one and see that your matrix was built on the illusion that you could not see those connections that you are beginning to seen now in the new truths, even the evil and bad in connecting the dots yourself. You woke up to your new frequency and starting level of the going to 5D. A new life cycle and sphere to explore in a new universe. All will be come clear soon as the dots are connected again and you will find your sacred circle of life of Oneness in you.
Love and Light,
(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.