Méline Lafont ~ Grounding, manifesting and coping with those new intense energies of the eclipses.

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pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, May 2, 2013

Haleluja, what a TIME!!  This partial moon eclipse is the hardest and most intense one EVER!  Do you feel it in your cells, your heart and entire body as well?  I am for sure!  I have been getting some messages from hearts that are a bit concerned about this entire shift at present and all the discomfort that is participating in all of this, as well as my own experiences and intense shifts, that I have decided to write about this and about grounding.




I know, we have been sharing a lot about grounding lately, so why is it that it keeps coming through and keeps being brought up every single time?  Well for me it is a clear message of how important this is in our Now moment in the midst of this all.  As Saint Germain explained quite well in his latest message (here), grounding nurtures you from the heart and spirit of Mother Earth as well and grounding helps us to manifest all we absorb and receive from our higher Spirit of Light.  So yes grounding is a part of our lives and can be very helpful too.




Grounding helps to manifest for example, manifesting all that you are and represent, all your creations and gifts..  But it helps you a lot during hard times as well.  When you are having a hard time in your life, in your relationship, work, family, friendships and so on.., grounding helps you to relax and become this state that you ARE.  It putts your feet back to the ground again on a literal way, and helps you to gain insights, inspiration and energy.  Grounding helps in all that you do and are in life. 




I always been a floating type of person that prefers to be in the higher world and on a cloud as far up as I can, far away from all the disasters on this world, just feeling free and happy, in Love and safe on my little cloud up there.  But that made my life even harder at times because there is a big difference in those 2 worlds and falling back into the earthy plane always felt like a big crash into that reality, the one I always preferred to escape.




So I was teached to make it easier on myself by manifesting all that I AM and represent through grounding on this earth.  “As above so below”, so if I wanted to be and feel those things I felt while being above on my safe cloud, I just needed to be more grounded and bring it into life, my life.  Still I am often being reminded of grounding myself more, as Saint Germain does not leave me to rest with this topic and is coming in daily to say: “don’t forget to ground yourself, you need it and it is important now”.




He is been telling me this for quiet a long time now and even the Archangels come in often telling me the same.  This is something that is the case for everyone and important for all of us right now.  My team and all of the Light beings have been stressing this for quiet a while now and it became so clear to me as to why they kept on stressing this in messages.. Sometimes you need to experience something in order to understand it more and this is quiet the case for many of you and us all at this time.




It does not matter if you are an Ascended Master or an Archangel, or a Goddess or a God Creator, an Elohim or Angel.. As long as you are forming a physical embodiment, all need to ground and ascend along with all of Humanity and Gaia in order to bring this Global awakening to completion.  That is why all are here for, to ground all that we are, all that we represent, all the Divine energies we receive and activate into manifestation on this Earthly plane in order to make this shift happen.  So whenever someone is telling you that grounding is not needed; think twice!




A few days ago my heart started to race again at a hard and quick speed that it was latterly hurting my chest.  I felt light-headed and dizzy and an extreme hard pressure of high energies were pouring through my crown chakra, all wanting to come in at the same time (this is how I can best describe it).  AA Metatron came in with AA Michael, supporting me with this and taking some of the discomfort away so I would feel better and cope with it more while absorbing those energies.  I was laying down and trying to breathe calmly in and out, during this breathing I got a clear message to ground myself and drink water.  So I did.. As the matter of fact I had to ground myself like 5 or 6 times in less than 15 minutes in order to feel better. 




This grounding really helped me to stabilize myself again very quickly, with the support of the Archangels and Saint Germain.  Grounding helped me to become calm and to canalize all these intense incoming energies right to the ground in Gaia her heart, so it could flow more through my physical being without me feeling as if I could explode.  Grounding gave a way for those transformational energies to move through me instead of building themselves up in my corps, giving me a feeling of being a ticking bomb that was about to explode.  So grounding offers you a way to cope with things more and make it easier on your physical body as well as on the mental body.




I am sure we all have quiet an intense time at this moment and the ride is going to get intenser by the day! So please keep in mind to ground yourself always and as much as you can because you will be needing this in order to stay centred and balanced in your perfect being that you are by heart.  These last week I have experienced such grand shifts that my entire body was taken over in a sense, and that shocks went through me and even some parts of my body were just being moved without me doing this all.  That is how hard and intense we are being worked on.




I hope the importance of grounding makes more sense to you all now and I trust you will all be led to this guidance as well.  As a friend of mine always says: “make it a great one now” and SO IT IS.




Eyah Asher Eyah


Méline Lafont ♥


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