pleidedolphininfos Wednesday, May 15, 2013
May 15,2013
As the stars are raising their frequency, so too do the sun and all the planets in the Cosmos. The giant web of I AM Presences of Divine Love is creating shifts in consciousness and bringing immortality into the reality of Self. Light is what is nurturing your being now and the heart is what leads your current Being into Oneness of Self.
All integrations are almost over for this phase of the eclipses, but more shall pass through your cells and your being in order to become One and become YOU. The integration of Self is what is manifesting now in these current times, bringing back the ancient knowledge and wisdom, the collaboration between other parts of you, for we are all One.
The wisdom and encounters of Love is what is keeping you in the Higher vibration of the Now, during times of separation and illusion. It is a time of dis-illusion and becoming One again. This growth process needs the time for integration, absorption and full manifestation, to become tangible in your reality of Being. Side by side and moment by moment, all is shifting into your own reality, into your own Being and your essence of Light and Love.
Be the moment that you are for an eternity and see the energy that you bring, that you represent, that you are at this moment. Start to sense the deep foundation of your being by getting to know it and connect with it more. You will see how beautiful you are and the most precious you are by heart. There is no such thing as separation, for the mind is led by ego and illusion.. there is only Oneness and the integration of All That Is, that is being reflected from your essence and inner heart.
Precious hearts, Love is the deepest gratitude One can feel and One can give to another you. It is the essence of your I AM creation and avatar of Light. The Cosmic web of I AM Presences of Light, is making a solid foundation that can move and restore all that is needed to be flexible at these times, so that growth, independence and creation are beyond possibility and become fact.
This web and foundation is more than only the knowledge and Presences of other beings of the Light, it is a self recognition of who you are and why you are here. It is the creation of all life that exists inside of you, that what makes you to live this life on Earth and beyond this veil of duality. It is your essence and the secret of your being. All is stored and waved inside of this giant Cosmic web of I AM Presences of Light, for you are the God Creators of Light paving and making the way to a new world and a new you.
Be faithful and strong during this last and most important eclipse of the month of May, for it is the power of a long during climax that is about to burst down upon each and everyone of you, precious hearts. Be ready for this and be strong! As One consciousness collective form, we give power to such beautiful triggers and energies by adapting to these intense energies and integrating this all without any hesitations or blockings. It is important to be open and receptive for it in order to go through this moon eclipse the easiest way.
Pull your hearts open for the release of old wounds and triggers that may block you on your way, set it all free during the last eclipse of this month of May by speaking out loud that you are open to release, for this eclipse is the most powerful one and will pull everything out of you and bring a lot of releases as long as the heart is willing and open for it. Be brave, my precious hearts and set yourself free as a bird. The beautiful sun is shining and bringing you tons of energy to help and transmute a lot. These are the Divine forces of Mother/Father God of All That Is, assisting you and loving you from the depts of its existence of Love.
My Love and Presence is with you,
I AM that I AM, Eyah Asher Eyah
Méline Lafont/ Lady Portia
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Geplaatst door Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 10:18 AM