Madulla Oblongata

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The word medulla oblongota is something that has been stuck in my mind since I began posting in Sept., I think it was.  I just knew in my Ab/Heart that it had a connection to not so Ancient Egypt, what, I had no idea. Not sure if this means ANYTHING to anybody, even me, so, here it is.





“The Trans-Himalayan school... locates Sushumna, the chief seat of these three nadis, in the central duct of the spinal cord, and Ida and Pingala (the two Witnesses of the Apocalypse) in the left and right sides respectively. Ida and Pingala are simply the sharp and flat of the note FA of human Nature, which, when struck in a proper way, awakens the sentries on either side, the spiritual Manas and the physical Kamas, and subdues the inferior by means of the superior.


“The pure Akasha passes through Sushumna (the medullar canal). Its two aspects flow in Ida and Pingala (the pair of sympathetic cords that are entwined around the spinal medulla). These are the three vital airs, symbolized by the Brahmanic thread and are ruled by the will. Will and desire are the superior and inferior aspects of one and the same thing. Hence, the importance of purifying the channels... from these three a circulation is established which from the central canal penetrates the whole body.


“Ida and Pingala function in the curved wall of the vertebral column in which is found Sushumna (the medullar canal). They are semi-material, positive and negative, Sun and Moon, and put into activity the free and spiritual igneous current of Sushumna. Each has its own particular path, then, if this were not so, they would irradiate the whole body.”



In that ancient elemental Egypt (which grew and matured under the protective wings of the elemental Sphinx of Nature) the ceremony of initiation was something terribly divine. When the venerable Master wielded the sword in the act of admission, the canals of Ida and Pingala (the two Witnesses) and the canal of Sushumna (along with the forces which circulated through them) received a tremendous stimulus. In the First Degree, this stimulus only affected the feminine lunar current of Ida; in the Second Degree, Pingala, the masculine current; and in the third, the igneous current of Kundalini (that flows ardently through the medullar canal of Sushumna) received the stimulus. With this Third Degree, the Kundalini remained awakened. We want to clarify that these three stimuli were related with the work of Sexual Magic that the initiate performed with the vestal of the temple. Such stimulus would be useless if the candidate was a fornicator. This is for people who are practicing Sexual Magic intensely.


Ida rises from the base of the spinal column to the left of Sushumna and Pingala to the right. These positions are reversed in the woman. The cords end in the medulla oblongata. All this is symbolized by the Caduceus of Mercury with its two spread wings.


The two wings of the Caduceus of Mercury signify the power to travel in the Astral Body, the power to travel in the Mental Body, the power to travel in the Causal, Conscious, and Spiritual vehicles. The fire gives those who follow the path of the Razor’s Edge the power to leave the physical body at will. Kundalini has the power of awakening the Consciousness of the human being. We remain completely awakened in the Superior Worlds with the fire. All those who have awakened in the Superior Worlds live absolutely conscious outside of the physical body during the hours of sleep. Whosoever awakens the Consciousness can never again dream. They become in fact, and rightfully, absolutely conscious citizens of the Superior Worlds. They work with the White Lodge while their physical body sleeps. They are the collaborators of the great White Universal Fraternity.


We clarify: Ida and Pingala are not physical. A physician could not find them with a scalpel. Ida and Pingala are semi-ethereal, semi-physical.


The great mysteries of ancient Egypt, as well as the mysteries of Mexico, Yucatan, Eleusis, Jerusalem, Mithra, Samothrace, etc., are all intimately related and are in fact absolutely sexual.


Ask, and it shall be given you. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. The great initiates always answer. The Guardians of the elemental Sphinx of Nature always respond.


Everyone who practices Sexual Magic must ask for the fire, beg the Guardians of the Sphinx, and invoke the God Agni. This God restores the igneous power in each of the seven bodies.

There are five great Initiations of sacred fire. The first means the departure of the one who has already entered the current leading to Nirvana. The fifth means the entry into the temple raised upon the summit of the mountain. With the first we leave the well trodden path; with the fifth we enter the Secret Temple.

Introduction to Gnosis


This chapter is from The Perfect Matrimony (1950) by Samael Aun Weor. The print and ebook editions by Glorian Publishing (a non-profit organization) are illustrated to aid your understanding, and include features like a glossary and index. Buy the book, and you benefit yourself and others.




Love Nageeta