Magical Mycellium : How Fungus Among Us Can Save Our World – 5 November 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Laura Bruno – Magical Mycellium : How Fungus Among Us Can Save Our World – 5 November 2012

Longtime blog readers know I love mychaga, but did you know all these other amazing things about mushrooms? Pretty potent stuff! Next time you get discouraged about all the environmental, health and energy crises facing humanity, turn to some ‘shrooms. They’ve got you covered.

Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world:


Uploaded by TEDtalksDirector on 8 May 2008

Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic?


Uploaded by TEDtalksDirector on 4 October 2010 link to original article




Love This !! ,,  Thanks so

Yojman's picture

Love This !! ,,  Thanks so much for "digging this up and out for us to remember!

 ((I'm a FunG ' ))  Ha Amoung-us LOL

  Yea! I knew I LOVED

Doreen Smith's picture


Yea! I knew I LOVED mushrooms, but to see this natural, biodegradable fungus being used in so many ways is Divine..Thanks for this wonderful news..Sending Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3